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Gum on sidewalks

March 9 2005 at 3:58 PM
Bo Newman 

I posted this below but thought it might not be seen, so I'm posting it as a new subject.
What are some successful methods for getting gum off sidewalks.
I've got some ideas but haven't tried them yet.
Anyone out there that does this on a regular basis. I'm talking about a lot of gum - not just one or two spots- lots and lots of gum.
I would like to hear of several different methods.
Thanks much.


Re: Gum on sidewalks

March 9 2005, 6:12 PM 

Sand blasting works real good, when a lot of gum is involved.

Bo Newman

Re: Gum on sidewalks

March 10 2005, 2:23 PM 

Thanks for the idea, Don. Unfortunately, nobody around here has a sand blaster to rent. Something about everyone getting out of renting them because of silicosis.
Anyone else out there with an idea? Anyone tried burning the stuff out of the sidewalk?


Re: Gum on sidewalks

March 10 2005, 9:25 PM 

Look up thecleanone on the ICS message board. He sells a good gum remover. It will depend on the texture of the concrete. Smooth concrete, the gum should scrape off with a stiff putty knife. Sidewalk texture, gum remover, a hot truckmount and an rx 20 head works well. You could also use freeze spray and tap the gum lightly with a hammer.

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care


Re: Gum on sidewalks

March 13 2005, 12:14 PM 

Use a propane torch and a 4 inch floor scraper to get the bulk up put a little citrus on the remaining let dwell then rinse with a hose

Bo Newman

Re: Gum on sidewalks

March 13 2005, 12:53 PM 

Thanks Anon. I was thinking along these very lines, so if you have tried it and had success with it that's probably what I'll do.
Please tell me that you've done it and it worked.

Current Topic - Gum on sidewalks
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