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Is It Just Me, Or. . . . . .

March 13 2005 at 6:27 AM
Mark Dullea  

Is is just me, or does Encap Punch have considerably less odor (tea tree oil?),
and little or no tendency to make me cough when it is sprayed, when compared to
Encap Clean DS?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Is It Just Me, Or. . . . . .

March 13 2005, 11:14 AM 

Encap-Punch is actually formuated with the same quantity of Tea Tree oil as Encap-Clean (regular strength). However Encap-Clean DS is a double strength product, so it has twice as much of all the raw ingredients including Tea Tree. Therefore it has more of the Tea Tree scent. Make scents?

You bring up a good question about the coughing. It is NOT the Tea Tree extract that can make you cough. It is the ALS (ammonium laurel sulfate) that can cause you to cough when the detergent is atomized into a fine spray. It's the ammonium salt that can be irritating when you breathe it in a sprayed form. BTW, ALS is a safe product - it's in many of your household products including hair shampoo, hand soap, dish soap, etc.

So a simple solution is not to atomize Encap-Clean into fine droplets. Experience has shown that using a sprayer with an 06 or larger spray tip will not cause you to cough. BTW there are a number of cleaning products that will cause you to cough when they are atomized. Here's a completely different product example. When I used to do office cleaning many years ago we used Lime Away to clean sinks and drinking fountains. We would dilute it in a spray bottle. Man that would make us cough. Then I discovered if we used a bottle with a squirt top, we wouldn't cough anymore. So it wasn't the chemical it was the atomized droplets that were irritating us.

Most of the time, Encap-Clean is used as a shower feed product in machines like the Cimex. As a shower feed detergent it never causes any irritation. The ALS does its job and works well. The product has been a winner. But we are also continuing to look for a suitable alternative to ALS so that we can overcome the coughing when folks want to spray the product. I think we may be close to finding a good alternative, we're testing some products at this time.

In the meantime here's a simple alternative that may help you... A really excellent and inexpensive sprayer is the 2 gallon Round-Up brand sprayer that you can buy for $20 from from Home Depot, Lowes, etc. It works better than sprayers I've paid two or three times more money for. It even comes with a 5 year guarantee. And it comes with a nice fan tip 06 spray tip that is perfect for spraying Encap-Clean. It sprays the product down with a nice flow without any irritation.

Rick Gelinas

Mark Dullea

Re: Is It Just Me, Or. . .

March 13 2005, 8:13 PM 

Thanks for taking the time to provide that explanation. I'll look for the
Round Up sprayer.

Tom Hazelton

I was wondering about that.....

March 14 2005, 9:32 PM 

I was spraying some stairs down the other night with encap ds and was coughing considerably ( I was spraying with a trigger sprayer) and I was wondering "Hmmm I wonder if this is good for me?".
I'm glad that is cleared up! Tom

Current Topic - Is It Just Me, Or. . . . . .
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