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March 15 2005 at 1:38 AM

My name is Mark and have been in the cleaning Industry for about 20 years, been cleaning carpets a little here and a little there. Been doing it for now full force for three years now. I am just writing to thank Rick for his excellence in the CC business.
I just received my Cimex last week and started cleaning right away. I had a trashed out restaurant and did OK but was not satisfied. Called Rick and with his help he pointed me in the right direction. Not only did I get set straight, but I could never get a monthly cleaning on this account with HWE. But when they saw the difference but I picked up a monthly at a good price for who knows how long. I also did a church, nail parlor, and a fraternity that I always do and what a difference, WOW!!!! I an so glad to pick up this wonderful heavy system. It does what all you people out there does and even more.
Thanx to Rick and all you who give your expertise on this board. I have and am becoming more educated on CCing.

Sorry for the long letter. I will write shorter next time.


Derek Beyer


March 15 2005, 1:42 AM 

good to meetcha MA, look forward to more of your posts --- Derek.

BTW, MA stand for Matt? Mark?

Mark Anthony


March 15 2005, 2:18 AM 

ma - stands for Mark Anthony


Rick Gelinas

Welcome to the ReleasiMex Club!

March 15 2005, 8:12 AM 


Welcome. Glad to have you on board!

And it's great to hear that the Cimex/Releasit comination is firing up your commercial carpet care.

There are a lot of top notch pros who pass through here every day. SO jump in and enjoy the resource. And dn't forget the Search feture. You can find a lot of good information with just a little digging. Enjoy!

Rick Gelinas

Bill Calvert

Re: Welcome to the ReleasiMex Club!

March 15 2005, 10:13 PM 

Youre not the Mark Anthony that married J-LO are you? Just kidding and welcome to the board!

Mark Hart

Re: Welcome to the ReleasiMex Club!

March 16 2005, 5:12 PM 

I'm a Mark Anthony also. I've never met another Mark Anthony. What a weird place to meet.

Current Topic - NU-BEE & CIMEXED OUT!!!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS