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March 15 2005 at 1:47 AM

I was searching for the letter some of you had wrote about, the one that Rick uses for the demo and marketing page. Where can one get that letter or any samples I could use for the main person of the companies I deal with for sending or handing to them? Any samples will be appreciated. Send to me @ Thanx.



Rick Gelinas

Marketing 101

March 15 2005, 8:07 AM 

Here’s an off the shelf letter that has worked for me. You will also find a critique of my letter from a recognized marketing expert named Jim Wolverton. This may give you some ideas.

And here is how I’ll use that letter. It’s only used as an introductory tool to get me in front of the decision maker. The real selling comes when I get in front of them, face to face.

Here is a brief overview of how I sell commercial accounts:

1. I start by selecting an account that I'd like to acquire as one of our customers (my target). I'll then call the business and ask if I can mail them some information about carpet cleaning.

2. If they say yes, I ask who is responsible for taking care of their carpet cleaning. Now I have the name of the decision maker.

3. I then mail them a good cover letter and some information about my company.

4. Next I call back and ask to speak with the decision maker. If the gate-keeper wants to know why I’m calling, I tell them that I sent Mr. Jones some information about carpet cleaning and I’m calling back to discuss it with him. I can normally get through to the decision maker at this point.

5. Once I have Mr. Jones on the phone, I inquire about the info that I mailed (at this point he may or may not know about the info I sent - it doesn't matter either way). I tell Mr. Jones that I have a brief 15-minute presentation. Can I stop by to show it to you? I would also like to provide a free demo on one of your worst areas too.

6. When I go to meet the decision maker I wear nice pants, a white dress shirt with my logo embroidered and a tie. I will then run through my printed Powerpoint presentation binder that outlines my companies services.

7. I will review their carpet and current cleaning program. After I assess their needs I'll clearly show them how I intend to FIX THEIR PROBLEMS. "Fixing problems" has been the key to selling to this market.

8. I'll then do a demonstration for them. (It's been said that "a presentation without a demonstration is merely a conversation").

9. Then I'll measure the building. I will prepare a written proposal, and in many cases a service contract too.

10. If they don't buy on the initial call I will follow up. Persistence pays off. I once approached an account that I wanted to get at least 10 times before they finally decided to use my company. That customer remained a $2400 a month customer for 18 years.

I don’t always do all of these steps with every prospect that I contact. But that’s an overview of how I typically approach and sell commercial accounts. These few simple steps work very well for me! I think it could work for you too.

Here are some additional links with some marketing ideas that may be helpful to you…

Here’s a link to our marketing flyer that I made up for you guys to use. Feel free to use it in your business…

In addition to what's posted above, READ, READ, READ!
Here are a few excellent books to consider on the subject of marketing that will get your marketing/business library started...

The Little Red Book of Selling
Jeffrey Gitomer

22 Immutable Laws of Branding
Al Ries

The Ultimate Sales Letter
Dan S. Kennedy

Experiential Marketing
Bernd H. Schmitt

The E-Myth Revisited
Michael Gerber

These are a few of my all time favorites.

I hope these ideas will be helpful to you

Rick Gelinas

Mark Anthony


March 19 2005, 12:07 AM 

Thanx for all your help Rick.

PS: Steve Baldonado, are you still doing carpets???? Call me here in New Mexico.

Current Topic - Letter???
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