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Restaurant Cleaning

March 15 2005 at 10:04 AM
Kevin Jones  

What can I do with greasy carpet at entrances to doors leading into kitchen. I did one the other night, the carpet looked great except for these areas. I'm going back Wed. night to extract those two areas. Overall, the owner (who owns four other restaurants) was very pleased and understood those areas would probably not clean up quite as well as the rest of the carpet. Should I have extracted those areas first, then encapped? All suggestions will be appreciated!

Rick Thode

Re: Restaurant Cleaning

March 15 2005, 12:01 PM 

My favorite way to address this is to use the Cimex to work in my favorite extraction prespray. The Cimex will really work the prespray in and break it up and then extract it first. then follow up with Cimex and just a little stronger solution of Releasit. this has always worked for me.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada

Kevin Jones

Re: Restaurant Cleaning

March 15 2005, 7:31 PM 

Thank you, sir. That's kinda what I was thinking. I appreciate the advice.


Stephen Dobson

Re: Restaurant Cleaning

March 15 2005, 10:42 PM 

yep, what Rick says.
Also if this is a VLM job, dont be afraid to pad extract the oily spots with absorbent cotton pads and a rotary.
then cimex/encap right over it.
It not VLM mandatory, agitate and extract.

Good luck.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

This message has been edited by sodobson on Mar 15, 2005 10:42 PM


Re: Restaurant Cleaning

March 16 2005, 8:38 AM 

We prescrub with the Cimex and appropriate prespray and than extract with truckmount. Would never attempt to VLM this type of cleaning situation, simply from a labor and the results expected. Prescrub and HWE only for best results.

David Hebert

Re: Restaurant Cleaning

March 16 2005, 11:46 AM 

WE clean several restaurants on a monthly schedule.
we mostly clean restaurants and daycares.

we always scrub in the prespray using a rotary with a brush or a pad, some times I use a Mist and Brush. WE follow up by using the Steamin Demon to extract.
Any areas that are suspect will be followed up by post padding.

so far only one call back by using this method


Kevin Jones

Re: Restaurant Cleaning

March 16 2005, 12:24 PM 

Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. The areas away from the greasy spots encapped real nice. I am going back tonite to extract the areas by the 2 entrances (or is that exits?) to (or from) the kitchen! Thanks again.

Current Topic - Restaurant Cleaning
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS