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Cimex head wobble...

March 20 2005 at 9:53 PM

Hello everyone. I cleaned a large medical building Saturday. When I got there I put new pads on. I noticed the head wobbled as if off balance. I figured it was the floor or carpet. But after awhile I checked the pads and noticed they looked ratty, knotted and beaded. I put on new pads again and it wobbled again.
So my question is has anyone had a similar problem and know what to do to rectify it? Also could it be the bristles are bent wrong? If so how can I even them out again???

Thanks in advance, Rob Allen.

Derek Beyer

Re: Cimex head wobble...

March 21 2005, 5:31 AM 

hiyas Rob didnt know you were a Cimex/Encap!

i've never heard of this problem so i look forward to the replies.

you mention the pads, then you mention you mean brushes or pads?

thanx Bro --- Derek.


Re: Cimex head wobble...

March 21 2005, 7:31 AM 

Yes Derek I love my Cimex. Got a hospital contract that would not clean up with hwe, so I took the Cimjex plunge!

Well the pads desintagrate quickly. So I figured the brushes (with the plastic bristles) may be warped.

Thanks, Rob.

PS:How come when I responded to this post it listed me as Anonymous???

This message has been edited by suprarob on Mar 21, 2005 7:33 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex head wobble...

March 21 2005, 11:15 AM 


It looks like your name wasn't entered in the "Your Name" field and that's why you showed up anonymous.

Now regarding your question about head wobbling:

I've never really taken notice of the wobbling so I just ran one one of my Cimex machines this morning. I wanted to be able to give you a good explanation. Guess what? My head wobbles too. (I'm talking about the Cimex head)

Sure enough, there's a fair amount of head movement. The motor head pivots forward and backward as the machine runs. I'm surprised I never noticed the head movement before. Guess I just never gave it attention before.

Now let's get down to what causes the wobble. I tracked down what's causing the wobble.

Let's start by clarifying that if the Cimex is operating, we can be sure there's nothing wrong with the motor/bearing/belt drive assembly. Here's why this is true. The machine is belt driven with a smooth belt and no belt tensioner. This isn't a v-belt, it simply runs concentrically between the 3 primary spindles and the center spindle. Shown here..

Now if there was any play or wobble in the motor or bearings whatsoever, the belt wouldn't travel - it would fall off. So if the drivers are turning, there can be no play. You can confirm this by lifting the head, remove the drivers, and run the motor. You'll see that the 3 spindles are turning concentrically with no variation or wobble.

So then what causes the wobble? It has to come down to the pad drivers. Sure enough, I put my drivers on a flat surface this morning and saw that one of the drivers was not quite as thick as the other two. It appeared that the foam sandwich material was a little more compressed. It wasn't a big difference, but I'm sure it's enough to cause the high speed wobble. Cimex uses outside vendors to produce the drivers. Unfortunately I doubt there's probably much that can be done to overcome these variances in the driver construction. So I'd say that some head movement is likely to occur naturally with the Cimex. However this movement shouldn't affect the performance of the machine since the head has been designed to pivot. Like I said, I had never even payed attention to it before this morning.

Now regarding the wear of the pads. They'll develop little balls of napiness (is that a word) as they spin on the carpet. This is normal. They'll wear down till they're about 1/4" thick. Then it's time to peal them off and replace them. The FiberPlus pads last longer than the more aggressive gray FiberPlus Max. This is because the regular FiberPlus pads are infused with latex which adds to their stability and it helps them to wear longer.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 21, 2005 12:19 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 21, 2005 11:15 AM

Derek Beyer

Re: Cimex head wobble...

March 21 2005, 12:28 PM 

Rob, another likely possiblity is that you aren't putting enough Releasit down, which lubricates the pads. be sure you see a light whitening / foaming action when using Encap Clean, this let's you know there is enough being put down.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Cimex head wobble...

March 21 2005, 3:47 PM 

Thanks guys, but mine is wobbling much more than it did. Could it be the drivers? Could I have had a bad batch of Fiber+ pads? Could the driver bristles dry in an uneven way?
Thanks, Rob.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex head wobble...

March 21 2005, 4:17 PM 

Hi Rob,

Give me a call and we can try to pin down what's going on.
800-330-1888 --- Operators are standing by

Rick Gelinas


Re: Cimex head wobble...

March 21 2005, 7:38 PM 

Sounds good Rick, I'm sure it's probably simple!
I'll call tommorow.

Mark Hart

Re: Cimex head wobble...

March 22 2005, 11:25 AM 

Hey Rick,
I'ts balls of nap.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex head wobble...

March 22 2005, 1:11 PM 

Thanks for that grammar lesson Mark

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Cimex head wobble...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS