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March 26 2005 at 1:12 AM
Mark Anthony 

I am really enjoying the Cimex. I have done carpets HWE for about three years and am amazed like my clients are amazed at what this radical system does. I have been doing only commercial carpets since I have had the Cimex and thought I would try it out on a custy's rez carpet. It did a tremendous job (empty house) but it wore the pads down in one cleaning so fast I had to toss them out. Anyone out there have a similar problem as me?

Afterglow Services



Re: pads????

March 26 2005, 2:24 AM 


That is why it is mainly meant for commercial carpet. We sometimes clean wool rugs with it and it wears them down on the wool rugs also.

Kevin Pearson

Rambo Moody

Re: pads????

March 26 2005, 7:42 AM 

I prefer Cimex on commercial and CBM (GLS) on residential. We have gone to 100% GLS on residential and have dropped the post padding, we do some post vacuuming, but that depends on the carpet. Our comment cards comming back have shown us , they love it. For us it is faster, easier and more economical.

Derek Beyer

Re: pads????

March 26 2005, 12:58 PM 

hiyas Mark

i am using my 'Mex on all my resi work. when i can, i will switch to OP for resi. but i havent noticed faster pad use, i will have to check that out.

another thing to keep in mind is, if your cleaning carpet that isnt in too bad of shape, you can use the soft brushes with your Cimex and save on pad usage....i'd only use the soft brushes on lightly soiled carpet tho. i've tried them on medium to hilghly soiled carpet and they did not cut it. i had to switch back to the FP pads.

Rambo, ever any concern with those CRB machines pulling a seam? man that really scares me, especially in the resi arena!

thanx --- Derek.

Mark Hart

Re: pads????

March 26 2005, 1:53 PM 

When I first started using the Cimex in "86 it was one residential carpet. It was years later that I found out you could even get pad holders for it. I always used the brushes. I never considered it a commercial machine. On residential cut pile carpeting I use brushes for the cimex. They're still good after years of use. I usually HWE after. At home, though, I just scrub. When I took a course on oriental rug cleaning, the instructer recommended to everyone that, if they were going to do this work, a Cimex is the best machine for scrubbing w/o damaging. I was the only one in the class that had one at the time.

This message has been edited by markahart on Mar 26, 2005 1:57 PM
This message has been edited by markahart on Mar 26, 2005 1:55 PM

Mark Anthony

Re: pads????

March 28 2005, 12:31 AM 

Thanks for all your help. I will consider the brushes when I pickup more rez carpets.


Rambo Moody

Re: pads????

March 26 2005, 7:24 PM 

Derek, I have run over a million seams since I have been in this business. I have run over them with wands, OP, VS, Roto-Vac, bonnet, Cimex, HostT-6, and others. I have never opened a seam, but of course you need to run over them correctly. Always go with the seam, not across it if you have any concerns.


Re: pads????

March 26 2005, 10:54 PM 

Mark, thats just not ture, EVERYONE knows a Cimex will damage the carpet. how could an instructor imply that it is the best machine for scrubbing w/o damaging on carpet?

sounds like your an old pro at using the brushes on resi!

thanx for the reply Rambo, maybe after i hear it a few more times, it will sink in my thick skull and ease my with little faith lol.

have a great remainder of the weekend fellas --- Derek.

Current Topic - pads????
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