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Better dry times using HWE

March 27 2005 at 2:44 PM

all the industry rage is going to large engines blowers

what most dont know is reguardless of how big your machine and blower are at the truck you can only a limited amount of CFM and Lift through a two inch vac line this is called saturation. Now use 3 or 4 inch lines different story.

The industry standard is 2 inch or 1 1/2.

here is what Lee Senter said. "the water left behind is the same colour as the water in your waste tank" YUCK but very true.

Bringing the power curve closer to the wand in line with the truck mount or portable.

I now have the cure for this problem

Thank you


steve frasier

Re: Better dry times using HWE

March 27 2005, 5:39 PM 

You will never suck all the water out. If you only make one cleaning pass with no overlapping, then this is very true. Hard for HWE cleaners to guarantee 1 hour dry time if you make a couple of cleaning passes. That is why post bonnet important. Get it as clean as you can.


Re: Better dry times using HWE

March 27 2005, 6:04 PM 

that is why a vac booster aids in the removal of even more water



oh oh, i have the cure to!

March 27 2005, 9:21 PM 

i'm not selling anything and have used the above inline PowerBooster from CrossAmerican. if Tb's works 3/4 as good as Ed V.s, it's worth it.

got a website Tb? maybe someone here cares to look at the spec's.

thanx --- Derek.

BTW #1 - then again, i said it's worth it too soon, how much you charge for your booster?

BTW #2 - ahh thats why the spam posts...hi James.

BTW #3 - you still use your Cimex Tb? what'd you use it for?

take care --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Mar 27, 2005 9:38 PM
This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Mar 27, 2005 9:29 PM


Re: oh oh, i have the cure to!

March 28 2005, 1:25 AM 

cimex for hard floors and orental rugs

My Vac booster is not the same as eds for portables

my is for use with PD blowers.

Just like Lee Senter calls it

Viagra for his truck mount.



Rick Gelinas

Re: oh oh, i have the cure to!

March 28 2005, 9:36 AM 

I saw Terry's vac booster at Summerfest. It's his own design. It appeared to be well built from what I could tell. Good fortune

Rick Gelinas


Re: oh oh, i have the cure to!

March 28 2005, 4:07 PM 




its true!

April 1 2005, 1:09 AM 

The kings box is all they say it is. Been useing it for 2 weeks on a smaller blower machine & dry times are 2 hours on the nasties.

Current Topic - Better dry times using HWE
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