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Releasit DS as a spotter

March 28 2005 at 2:27 PM
Bo Newman 

When mixing Releasit DS as a spotter it has been suggested to mix it 25/75. Note that this is a l/3 mix, not a l/2 mix as some have thought.
It will work fine at l/3 but if anyone has opined that DS doesn't seem to work as a spotter as good as regular Releasit, it's probably because you are working at a different ratio than regular Releasit at 50/50 (1/1).
The correct ratio is 33 1/3 to 66 2/3 (l/2).
Myself - I have different mixes for different needs in different sprayers.


Re: Releasit DS as a spotter

March 29 2005, 1:03 AM 

dang Bo, you lost me with all those numbers lol...not hard to do.

all i know is i've tried it at 1 part Releasit / 1 part Water and it works great.

Bo Newman

Re: Releasit DS as a spotter

March 29 2005, 1:58 AM 

Derek - if you mix the original Releasit at 1/1, (one part Releasit to one part water), to retain the same ratio for Releasit DS (Double Strenth) to water, you mix 1/2, (one part Releasit DS to 2 parts water).
This means you can take any container, put in Releasit DS to the one-third level - finish with water, and you have the same thing as the original mix of original Releasit at the ratio of 1/1.
If you're using the original Releasit, you can continue to mix 1/1, if you wish.

There's no set way, of course, but it sounds like you may be using more Releasit than you need to (if you're using DS - as I imagine most people are).

This message has been edited by B-Newman on Mar 29, 2005 2:04 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Releasit DS as a spotter

March 29 2005, 7:51 AM 


You're correct with your numbers.

Here again is the water to detergent ratio for Spill Treatment Spotting...

Encap-Clean spill treatment: 50/50 1:1
Encap-Clean DS spill treatment: 75/25 1:3 (8 oz to a quart)

BTW The spill treatment dilution is referenced on the side of the jug.

Thanks for pointing that out Bo. Using DS at 50/50 is overkill. It's not going to hurt anything at the stronger mixture. But good results can be achieved just as well at the lower (recommended) dilution.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 29, 2005 7:58 AM

Current Topic - Releasit DS as a spotter
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS