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New use for FiberPlus pads

March 29 2005 at 12:33 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Hey guys and gals I just discovered a new use for FiberPlus pads.

We have two cats. This morning I put on a pair of black pants. Well I guess I must have sat somewhere the cats had been laying. I went on an appointment in the Kleenstep van and when I got out of the van I noticed that it looked like my butt had hatched a kitten. I tried rubbing the hair off with my hand but it wouldn't come off. Then I grabbed a FP pad and rubbed it over my pants. All the hair came off INSTANTLY. I think I ought to be marketing these pads as lint removers

Oh, we also cut sections of FP pads and use them in the kitchen for washing pans and dishes. They're great for gentle scrubbing and Nancy makes certain that we always have a supply under the sink.

Just thought I'd share those housekeeping tips with y'all

Rick Gelinas


Re: New use for FiberPlus pads

March 29 2005, 12:55 PM 

Then I grabbed a FP pad and rubbed it over my pants. scary visual


Rick Gelinas

Re: New use for FiberPlus pads

March 29 2005, 1:01 PM 

LOL - I saw that one coming.

Rick Gelinas


Re: New use for FiberPlus pads

March 29 2005, 1:34 PM 

at least he had pants on before doing that




Re: New use for FiberPlus pads

March 29 2005, 10:05 PM 

Good one Derek. I was cracking up when I read that.


We tried the FP pads for scrubbing dishes and it works pretty well. Thanks for the tip.

Kevin Pearson


Re: New use for FiberPlus pads

March 29 2005, 10:18 PM 

I have used them on furniture before with plenty of pet hair does work well.


Re: New use for FiberPlus pads

March 29 2005, 10:53 PM 

it's a pad...right? i missing something?

Davo Flores

Re: New use for FiberPlus pads

March 31 2005, 8:04 AM 

Rick, is your butt in the front? And, which came first the kitten or the egg? 8Þ

Current Topic - New use for FiberPlus pads
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