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Results and repairs

April 1 2005 at 11:40 PM
Ken Martin 

I used the cimex on a condo carpet. The propery managment said the carpets were in terrible shape. Spent a few minutes vacuuming up things and then cimexed the carpets. A handful of small spots to work on and done everything in under an hour. Today the pm said she could not believe how good the carpets looked and did not expect these results. Now they want all their carpets done this way. No more using the portables for the condos!

Next I did to garbage apts. One a berber and the other inch long yellow shag, at least I think it used to be yellow. The berber was badly stained and traffic areas everywhere. Prespray, cimex for scrubbing, extraction and cimex for padding after. The manager was delighted. The shag was black in most areas, same procedure but I was dissapointed with the end results in that I could not get the high traffic areas back to the same shade as the edge of the carpet. I would have preffered some gas and a match but again the manager was delighted.

All of this was done after the new tech dropped the cimex off the ramp and broke the face plate covering the drive belt. Good results and more repairs.

Ken Martin

Rick Thode

Re: Results and repairs

April 2 2005, 11:00 AM 

Heh Ken:

Sounds like your having great results too! Doesn't it just blow you away with what this system does?

I'm still amazed

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada


Stephen Dobson

Re: Results and repairs

April 2 2005, 12:06 PM 

Congrats Ken.
The Cimex is a wonderful tool.
In apartments, i too use my cimex and a rotary. I rarely bring in all the hoses. You have to give MGT what they are after. They are after clean looking carpets, regardless if soil is 'hiding' down in the fibers. LOL
They want it to look good when they show it to a prospective tenant.

This being said. Never underestimate the power of a good rotary and pads to compliment your CImex. The cimex has no extraction capability where the rotary and pads do.
And there is a time that we need to extract, even in apartments.

As for not being able to get the carpets to match the outside looking fibers.. well some of it is obviously wear and tear' on the fibers there in the lanes. Also, it could have been your prespray, did you allow proper dwell time?, agitate, prevac, etc.
Your method could be part of it and maybe not if you did the aforementioned step. Only you can know and answer that to yourself.

But in ending, between a Cimex and a good rotary and pads, you will be very confident getting those apts. very clean, dry quick and feel good about the job and quicker too most of the time.

Continued Success. Keep pushing the envelope of quality.
We all benefit.

Take care partner.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Ken Martin

Re: Results and repairs

April 2 2005, 11:18 PM 

A heavy dose of prespray but because of the age and condition of carpets it was impossible to clean to my standards but the manager was happy and that is what matters in the end. I do agree that a rotary and pads is a good thing to finish off a dirty job but in this case the results would not have been noticably better.

Two more condos today with the cimex and two more satisfied customers. No sweat, easy money, great results.

Ken Martin

Current Topic - Results and repairs
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS