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Use it and use it well...

April 5 2005 at 8:13 PM
Kevin Jones  

Sent out 22 letters to various businesses a couple of weeks ago (sorry, Rick, your letter is great, but I used my own ). I had finally had time this week to begin following up. So far I have landed 3 appointments (and so far 1 job) as a result of what? Not my letter, but Excellent-Supply's Releast/Cimex flier!! Great piece of material. The cool thing? Two of the people called me! The third took my call and then called me back today to arrange the appt. I'm just plumb tickled! Thank you Excellent-Supply for such a mighty tool (the flier and, oh, yeh, the Cimex/Releasit) in this great industry!


Re: Use it and use it well...

April 6 2005, 2:44 AM 

I did the same thing ( wrote my own letter but added some of rick's graphics and part of his flyer) and had great results. I mailed out 44 letters to churches before Easter, got two phone calls and both resulted in jobs. An investment of under $55.00 and almost $1000 in revenue. Not bad...Tom


Re: Use it and use it well...

April 6 2005, 6:02 PM 

I have used Rick's material. It has helped me to get my current HWE customers to commit to a Encap maintenance program.
Thanks Rick.

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care


Rick Gelinas

Way to go!

April 6 2005, 6:19 PM 

Kevin, Tom and Steve it sounds like you guys are nailing the commercial market! That is excellent. I'm happy to hear that this is working for you. Would any of you want to share your sales letter? I think everyone would appreciate seeing what's working for you.

Keep up the good work

P.S. I can help with uploading your material if you need help. If you need assistance just let me know.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Way to go!

April 6 2005, 9:32 PM 

I used the letter from your web site

Included a personal letter about offering a maintenance service with price included to the manager

Nothing really special. Previous quality work had already sold the job

Just offered a cost effective method of cleaning to help the whole facility stay cleaner longer

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care

Current Topic - Use it and use it well...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS