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Encap... I am a believer

April 5 2005 at 8:32 PM

Copy of a message I posted on another board...

Encap, I am a believer

Posted By Dan Dahlin on 4/2/2005 at 7:32 PM

I got a refferal the other day from one of my customers. Turns out this lady is one of the most prominent women in our area. Her son is the city manager and she owns a kind of a "landmark" old time cafe in our community of 30,000. I went to the job and as we were doing the pre-inspection she was pointing out areas that had recently been cleaned by another cleaner and she was not happy at all with the results that they had delivered. ( I am assuming either SS or servicemaster) they are the two dominant players in our HUGE market area. Anyway, it was berber and she had always had a small rug laying on top of it as you come out of the kitchen into the LR. (I hate when they do that)As you can guess, I lifted the rug and that little 3x4 CLEAN square REALLY made the rest of the room look bad. I hate when they do that because I always bust my butt trying to get it all to match again.... and that just doesn't always happen. She told me that she had the other cleaner come back and re-clean and she was quite upset that it still looked bad. From my own personal experience as a newbie, I really didn't know how much better I could make it look with my porty. I was kinda shakin in my shorts because she had the other guy re-clean it and I certainly didn't want to end up in that position. So I gambled. I vacumed and sprayed it with vacaways Tsunami. Put the brushes on the rotovac and went to town. (I know... the RV is NOT the best tool for encap, but it is the tool that I have until I can afford the cimex) I am also anxious to use releasit. I only posted this to spur the movement on. It just makes sense... encap works!
Long story short, I got a message on my answering machine last night....

This message has been edited by encapper on Apr 5, 2005 8:51 PM
This message has been edited by encapper on Apr 5, 2005 8:37 PM


Re: Encap... I am a believer

April 5 2005, 8:46 PM 

This message is NOT here... lol, can't seem to figure this out. I can't delete it... but YOU can, it's all in yer mind. Don't think too hard, I for one can attest to the FACT that thinking is a painful thing.

This message has been edited by encapper on Apr 5, 2005 9:05 PM
This message has been edited by encapper on Apr 5, 2005 9:01 PM

Phillip Newell

Nice Work!

April 6 2005, 9:34 AM 

That is always a nice feeling isn't it?

Good Job! Now go have a beer on me.

Current Topic - Encap... I am a believer
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS