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Another Newbie (sort of)

April 6 2005 at 9:30 AM
Phillip Newell  

Hello all. Some of you may remember me from the ICS board a few years back. I've been out of the CC industry for about 3 years now, But I've moved to a new area and I'm thinking of starting a small side business again.

This encapsulation process seems sort of intriguing. I've always been a fan of VLM methods over HWE. I used to use the Ultra Dry system pretty much exclusively.

With encap, do you just run the Releasit chem through your cimex like a shampoo? Are you using pads or brushes?

Also, how many of you pre-vac and post-vac? Is post vac necessary?

Are any of you using this process for residential work or is it more of a maintenance system?

Thanks in advance for your help.



Re: Another Newbie (sort of)

April 6 2005, 1:59 PM 

hiyas Bro, good to meetcha

yep just run Releasit thru your Cimex and pads are recommended over Brushes...better contact/agitation with the pads.

we all prevac i do believe, it is KEY to Encap. post vac can either be handled by yourself or the maintenance staff...usually the latter happens, for me it always is the latter.

some are using Encap in the resi arena, whether it be thru OP, HWE, Bonnet or Cimex...Encap can be applied with all methods.

take care and welcome back to the business --- Derek.


Re: Another Newbie (sort of)

April 6 2005, 9:03 PM 

Derek, you forgot GLS and other CRB machines.


Re: Another Newbie (sort of)

April 6 2005, 11:59 PM 

BAH i probably forgot other machines to lol, thanx for the clarification Rambo

Rambo, how often you check email? i wanted to ask you about CRB's -vs- OP's in the resi arena. is a phone call faster? email me your phone number if you would and i'll call on my dime. or lemme know here if email is better.

thanx! --- Derek.

Current Topic - Another Newbie (sort of)
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS