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Swirls in carpet

April 15 2005 at 6:55 AM

I notice in some photos that swirls appear in the carpet after the cimex has been over the area.
What do you do about them? Leave them there, groom etc

Kevin Jones

Re: Swirls in carpet

April 15 2005, 7:54 AM 

You can groom 'em, the post vac will help and normal everyday traffic. I was worried about 'em at first, but so far every place I have done wants me to leave 'em!


Re: Swirls in carpet

April 15 2005, 8:38 AM 

Most everybody thinks they cool. eventhe ones from the swing machine.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Swirls in carpet

April 15 2005, 10:53 AM 

Not a problem. We've cleaned MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of square feet with the Cimex. Surprisingly nobody's had a problen the swirl design we leave behind in some cut pile carpets.

We had a customer schedule a last minute cleaning the night before the vice president of their corporation was visiting. I suggested scheduling the service a couple of days earlier in the week so the swirl marks would walk out of their plush cut pile commercial carpet. Guess what? They said they LIKED the swirls and wanted it done the night before the visit. We complied, the VP came, and they told us afterward that the visit went well (swirls and all). Goes to show, what may seem like a problem to us might not be a problem at all in the eyes of the client.

Our new slogan...
The best commercial carpet cleaning you've ever experienced (rates vary).
Nuevo design fiber artiste (no additional charge).

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 15, 2005 10:58 AM



Re: Swirls in carpet

April 17 2005, 11:04 PM 

We always broom them out, but you have to be quick because it dries so fast. Maybe I do not need to worry about it and try leaving it. We clean at a funeral home and they are the only ones that I can think of that would have a cow if we left the swirls.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - Swirls in carpet
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