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Connections is real nice

April 18 2005 at 9:24 PM

Rick Gelinas  

We're here in Orlando at this year's Florida Connections Conference. We just got back from the casual dinner "pool party". Only thing is that it was too chilly for having it by the pool, so they moved it into the ballroom. Yeah you heard right, too chilly in Florida in April (we're having some unseasonably nice weather).

The trade show was packed. Our booth has been busy. We brought the Cimex DF Diamond Grinding machine. We set up a display with some marble tiles. And we're doing some grinding. For those of you that aren't experienced with marble grinding, IT'S LOUD! We're trying to be as discreet as possible with it. But we've heard comments from Larry Cooper that some of the vendors are not happy with the noise. So we're trying to be good neighbors and limiting running it for only about 15 seconds at a time. The attendees are really intrigued by seeing how the Cimex performs S E R I O U S marble grinding. BTW we're now carrying diamonds and polishing powder for marble grinding and polishing (should be on website in a few days).

The new Sprint machine has been popular at the show too. When people see this machine scrubbing carpet, and then scrubbing and drying a bumpy textured floor they're impressed. That's been my experience with this machine. When folks first look at it they often don't see its potential right away, and then we turn it on and run it - and they get real interested in a hurry. It's pretty cool little scrubber.

And then there's what Connections is famous for - "connections"... getting to visit and hang out with a lot of the people who make our industry great. And although I didn't get into any classes today (I was setting up the booth) I heard there was some great information.

So if you haven't had a chance to attend Connections, it might be worth considering down the line. It's good stuff!

BTW Beth and Karina are in the office while we're here, so your orders will go out like normal. I'll give you another update later.

Rick Gelinas

Kevin Jones

Re: Connections is real nice

April 18 2005, 10:20 PM 

I am sooo jealous. I had the best time last year in FL and was looking forward to going this year. Oh well, I'm shootin' for Vegas and if that doesn't happen, then I'll shoot for FL next year. Right now I'm trying to put any extra money toward Lisa Wagner's Rug Secrets seminar at Jon Don in IL in May. By the way, she's supposed to be there at Connections! Ask her why the heck she hasn't responded to my email in ref. to that course? Certainly she's not busy! lol Seriously, have a ball, Rick. I'll see ya either in Vegas or next year in FL.

Current Topic - Connections is real nice
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