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Another great day at Connections

April 19 2005 at 9:38 PM

Rick Gelinas  

First thing this morning Jeff Bishop had a class on cleaning methods. Jeff invited me to participate showing encapsulation. He had a TRASHED carpet loaded with mineral oil and dry soil from vacuum cleaners. Then they put it in their warehouse and walked on it for a few months and drove over it. The carpet was GONE. But it looked good after we finished with the Cimex and Releasit. He also demonstrated some good cleaning with other low moisture and HWE methods.

Then my brother Dave and I went in before the trade show opened and finished grinding the lippage off the marble flooring (that was the noisy part from yesterday). Then when the trade show opened we were running the Cimex Diamond Finisher at a QUIET level (our neighbors were happier with us today). I probably should have ground the lippage off the floor before the show, but I quite honestly wasn't thinking of how loud the cutting blades can be.

The trade show was cool! Our booth was usually lined up with people hanging out learning about marble floor care and ENCAP cleaning.

Tonight was the banquet and auction. The auction is always a lot of fun. In addition to carpet cleaning stuff they also auction off novelty items. (BTW we auctioned a Cimex in Vegas last year). Well tonight we got hold of Jeff Cutshall's bidding number, so we bid during the silent auction with his number and won Jeff a bid on a cutesy baby doll The food was good, and hanging out with friends was great.

Well it's been fun! Wish you all were here with us.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Another great day at Connections

April 20 2005, 5:35 PM 

Thanks a lot Rick. It was great getting to meet several that frequent this board and the ics/cleanfax boards. You taught me a lesson to keep my bidding number hidden.(But just so you know, I do have a very long memory.)

It was an incredible event! It was nice seeing encap cleaning getting some recognition.

It was a pleasure to meet you in person and get a chance to hang out with your brother Dave and your wives. Dave is a wealth of knowledge on cleaning marble and natural stone. He's probably going to be sorry he met me because I will definitely be calling him with some marble cleaning questions.

Keep in touch!
Jeff Cutshall

Current Topic - Another great day at Connections
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS