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Maple syrup -releasit?

April 19 2005 at 11:32 PM

Hello all,
On one of my regular accounts the kitchen staff spilled a container(approx 1/2 gallon )of maple syrup on the floor. They had tried several attempts over the next two days to clean it up before I got there for my maintenance cleaning. I took my portable in and extracted because there is no way to TM because of where the spill is located. Then I went over it several times with the Cimex. Looked great when I left last night. Stopped in there today and the spots wicked back and a little tacky yet. I did'nt have the mex with me so I sprayed on some 50/50 Releasit and scrubbed in by hand . Do you think that going over again with the Cimex will correct this or should I HWE again? Any suggestions?

Jerry Smit
Deep Clean Carpet Cleaning
Commercial & Residential


Rick Gelinas

Re: Maple syrup -releasit?

April 20 2005, 12:05 AM 

That much syrup is going to take a whole LOT of flushing. Then after you've removed the lion's share of the syrup residue - the 50/50 mix will correct the possibility of a recurring wicking problem.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Maple syrup -releasit?

April 20 2005, 8:29 AM 

Had a spill of salid dressing a while back. it took I think 3 or 4 times over it over a couple days to get it all. was using releis-it and a rotory




April 20 2005, 8:55 AM 

Thanks guys, thats what I told to building superviser. I figured that I would have to keepgoing over it ,check the the next couple of days, reclean, etc. Just wanted to make sure I am on the right track. Does anyone have a particular prespray that may break it down a little faster. Or stick with a clear flush followed by the Cimex?
Thanks again!

Jerry Smit
Deep Clean Carpet Cleaning
Commercial & Residential


Kevin Pearson

Re: Thanks!

April 20 2005, 10:52 AM 

I had a maple syrup spill a while back where a homeowner bumped over a bowl of maple syrup on white carpet. I was supposed to be there to clean his office above his garage with glue down carpet and had only brought the cimex and not my butler. So I cimexed it with 50/50 mixture of Releasit and the spot was gone and I did not have to go back. It worked well for me, but I went over the spot a bunch even when it looked gone.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - Maple syrup -releasit?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS