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My Mex; Has A Stiff Trigger

April 25 2005 at 10:03 PM

Begore I get all electrified, is it an easy fix to make the trigger easier to release.

I realise there should be a certain amount of pressure applied, but mine just seems that little bit harder than any other floor machines with the same trigger set-up.

I know it's good to build up the muscles in my hand, but people now wince when I shake hands with them, and beer cans crumple, (steel, not aluminum).

I don't want arthritis to set in at an early age, so can someone please help me out.



PS::: Don't believe all I say, but the trigger is hard.


Rick Gelinas

Re: My Mex; Has A Stiff Trigger

April 25 2005, 10:50 PM 

Hey Shorty you just need to eat your spinach...

Seriously though, if your trigger is hard to pull then something isn't right because the Solution Trigger is generally very easy to squeeze. Maybe it's that weird Australian current that's got things out of whack Just kidding. If your trigger is unusually hard to squeeze it sounds like something is binding somewhere. The trigger lifts the spring loaded plunger at the bottom of the tank. This is a simple device that seldom ever develops any kind of problem. The nice thing is that if anything ever goes wrong, the valve plunger assembly is inexpensive and easy to replace. I'd suggest contacting your supplier Gary Bethel there in Australia, and I'm sure he'll help you get things worked out. It's most likely something very simple.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 25, 2005 10:51 PM


Tricky Trigger Technology

April 25 2005, 11:49 PM 

Wrong trigger Rick.

I meant the elctrical trigger that starts the brushes spinning.

Solution trigger is just fine.

Put another three hours in at the RSL this morning.

This machine is so embarassing, how can I keep charging the prices I charge.

The Manager came upstairs as I was cleaning, she was so impressed when she saw the before and after, at the same time.

I have been cleaning this club for about 18 - 20 years, and told the manager I am still charging her for carpets, what I was charging three years ago.

She told me to put my price up if I want to, they are very happy with MY new system.

Even taking time out for coffee, pads and chemical, I'm still netting (after tax), in excess of AUS$200.00 per hour.

Now if I can just get my trigger fixed before I develop muscles on my knuckles.




hiyas Shorty :)

April 26 2005, 12:43 AM 

you mean the switch that turns the Cimex on?

thanx --- Derek.


Re: hiyas Shorty :)

April 26 2005, 1:31 AM 

There appears to be some confusion over the trigger on the Cimex.

I see in the photo's on Excellent Supply site, that the Cimex appears to have a separate on/off switch located on the handle.

Mine is different in that it has two levers, directly opposite each other. Both of these are the same type lever, one for solution, the other for power.

Standing behind the machine in operating mode, the trigger on my left releases the solution.

The trigger on my right, supplying the power and putting the drive into motion, turning the brushes/pads, etc;




Rick Gelinas

Re: hiyas Shorty :)

April 26 2005, 7:53 AM 


You don't have the same model we're using in the states. It sounds like you've got the CR48HD. The HD model has a switch configuration like you're talking about. I've never sold one of those models so I'm not real familiar with it (we've only sold the CR48, CR48CM, CR48DF, CR38 and CR61 machines). The HD model has a different motor and is commonly used for concrete grinding. The HD machine is more expensive than the standard CR48 machine. I wonder if Cimex may be exporting that model to Australia since you guys have different voltage requirements than we have in the US. At any rate, if it's not working properly I'd suggest contacting Gary Bethel to see what he can do to help you with it. If there's something wrong I'm sure it will be easy to correct. Truvox can send you out a replacement part right away to take care of you if there's any problem with your machine (they are an excellent manufacturer and good people to deal with).

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 26, 2005 8:07 AM


Re: hiyas Shorty :)

April 26 2005, 5:31 PM 

Thank you all.

The problem is not major, but just be carefull when you guys shake hands with me next year in Orlando.

I've had me spinach, now where's that Olive Oil???





Re: hiyas Shorty :)

April 27 2005, 10:54 AM 

Shorty, what are you doing in Orlando next year?





April 27 2005, 5:07 PM 

G'day Scooter, want to get there for Connections06........early days thinking.

Florida's weather is more like Cairns than Vegas.

I can appreciate the coldies

Want to do some courses and pick brains, re; mould issues, leather, rugs, upholstery and VLM cleaning all round.

Learnt a fair bit in Vegas last year with Harry & Lonnie, (in alphabetical order), but still have heaps more to ask on the other issues.

I figure talking to the people that live in an area that is climatically similar to mine would be more beneficial.



This message has been edited by ShortyDownUnder on Apr 27, 2005 5:11 PM



Re: Scooter

April 29 2005, 11:48 PM 

Heya Shorty -

You might see a local CC'r or two next year in Orlando but Connections is going to be in Clearwater Beach, FL at the Hilton on the beach.

Can't wait to meet you there!





May 1 2005, 1:18 AM 

Thanks for that, don't suppose you have the dates do you??



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