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Size of Jobs

May 10 2005 at 12:31 PM


How big and small are the VLM jobs you guys do? I've recently been targeting bigger jobs, but are the small ones worth it too?

Thanks - Joe


Rick Gelinas

Re: Size of Jobs

May 10 2005, 1:43 PM 

I prefer to target the BIG ones.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Size of Jobs

May 10 2005, 3:30 PM 

I hit everything from 15 minute $100 jobs to 15,000' $1200 ones. akll pay good for the timespent, and almost nil chem and machine cost.




small job

May 10 2005, 3:46 PM 

Hi brian, the 15 min $100 job - is that referring to a minimum charge? Im at $60, maybe too low?





How BIG is BIG?

May 10 2005, 3:56 PM 

Ive done 45,000 feet by myself over 3-4 days. when should I worry that the jobs i bid on will be TOO big? Do you have a large crew to handle bigger jobs than these? Im asking this info because my commercial side is picking up, and I want to grow, but i want to make sure everything is in place before I go for the big fish!!

Thanks for the advice!!



Rick Gelinas

Re: How BIG is BIG?

May 10 2005, 4:28 PM 

The 45,000 sq ft job you mentioned falls into what I'd consider big. On the flip side, the small doctors offices along the boulevard are OK, but I feel that cultivating a portfolio of jobs in the 10K, 20, 30K ,40K, 50K range and up will ultimately build you a far more profitable business over time. You'll see greater profits, and you'll have something that you can sell if and when the time comes.

Rick Gelinas


Re: How BIG is BIG?

May 10 2005, 6:08 PM 

Unless it was in one of my Janitorial accounts, I have a $100 min. Ya loose a few, but really don't like goin anything smaller. I have a few small retails that I do at $100, 15-45 minutes usually.

If they take more than an hour after I do them once, I try for more.

That was with a swing machine, Hopefully with the Cimex now, I'll be faster yet.



Re: How BIG is BIG?

May 11 2005, 12:30 AM 

i have a chain of several small stores on semi-annual 15-35 minutes to get to them. i charge $80 each (only have the entryway done). with the rising gas prices, i need to up it to $100.

since i'm not in a position to hire employees, 30k is about as big as i could probably handle...and that split up over several days / weekends...similar situation as you Joe.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: How BIG is BIG?

May 11 2005, 9:53 AM 

I've done 15k' in one day by myself, that was vac, edge, and encap. about 8 hours with a swing machine.


Current Topic - Size of Jobs
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