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Encap Punch Revisited !!

May 13 2005 at 8:26 PM
Mark Stanley  

Well, I've been using and testing Encap Punch again and it seems that either I didn't give it a fair shake before or Rick has made it stronger.

I sold my Cimex (sniff sniff) but I still encap all my commercial jobs with Encap Punch, a 20' Advance "All Purpose Matador" rotary machine, and a beige buffing pad. Instead of shampoo feeding, I have been spraying it heavy with my 5 gallon bucket/heater/pump thing-a-mu-jig that I built. It uses a fantastic FloJet pump that handles boiling water (so the Encap Punch is super heated)!

Maybe it the fact that I'm really turning the heat up on the Encap Punch, but it is really cleaning better than I last remember it doing (a year ago?).

I've also started extracting residential carpets with "boiling" Encap Punch and let me just say, WOW!!! This stuff rocks! On most residential carpets I can just mix the EP at 8 to 12 oz. per 5 gallons of hot water, then heat it to boiling and then extract without prespraying! Bam! Perfect!

Rick, can I get a customized version of Encap Punch with a little less Tea Tree extract fragrence and double the Isopropanol? How many cases would my minimum order have to be? I'm serious.


Mark Stanley

Carpet Cleaner's Garage Sale



Re: Encap Punch Revisited !!

May 13 2005, 10:11 PM 


Did you ever change the Encap-Punch formulation?

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Re: Encap Punch Revisited !!

May 14 2005, 12:56 AM 


I've been working for several months exploring ways that we can tweak Releasit with the desire to make the products even better. Up till now this project has only been in the research stage. I've had the assistance of two good chemists and I've also been working on the formulas myself at my shop (I've now got over 50 raw ingredients at the shop).

Long story short... with quite a few months of R&D we’ve yet to find any earth shattering ways to improve the Releasit products. It's amazing to me how little we can move from the current product line. We've been using the existing product formulas as our benchmark. From that baseline we've been adjusting the formula with various polymer, fluoro-chemical, and surfactant modifications. Yet we kept coming back to the original products as our standard and these kept coming out ahead. It’s hard to make major jumps forward because the products are already performing well to begin with.

However in the past few months of exploring what seemed like endless batches, I did discover a way to employ a new minor component that will improve the products. This was one of my own discoveries at the shop – cool eh? I had a chemist check the chemistry for me, and it turns out that this adjustment to the formula will work perfectly.

This has been a LONG process and I expect that we’ll be able to bring the new modifications into the products shortly. The cleaning ability of the products will remain the same. The change in the chemistry will affect the product dry down a little. And the detergents will now be better suited for using in spray applications. That's as much as I can say about the formulation changes – my competition reads this board too. So I'll close by saying, Releasit will continue to grow and improve. In the days ahead we'll have the new cleaning formulas in place. So stay tuned.

Rick Gelinas

Bill Calvert

Re: Encap Punch Revisited !!

May 14 2005, 11:54 AM 

What competition? I dont think even the current Releasit can be touched after the trashed carpet I cleaned the other night with cold water. The only way to improve it is to spray it on and not have to scrub it in and let it work automatically. Keep up the good work Rick.



Re: Encap Punch Revisited !!

May 14 2005, 2:12 PM 

LOL Bill.

I can't wait for the new stuff Rick and about the competition reading the board. I know they read this one and others because I have received emails and calls from them wanting me to try their stuff. However, I am sticking with you my friend because I know how fanatical you are about having the best product you can.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - Encap Punch Revisited !!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS