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May 17 2005 at 9:47 AM

I just cleaned a car dealership this weekend using Releasit DS and my Cimex. The owner called today and said a stain came back (coffee) and that old stains re-appeared as well and the carpet looks bad. I used the same method I have every where else with good results. This carpet has always been cleaned before by chem dry, could this have something to do with it? I'm at a loss for why it came out so bad, all my other jobs have turned out great. Any ideas?


Re: Problem

May 17 2005, 1:52 PM 

I hate to say it, but maybe you should just walk away from this job.

Give a refund and a smile and say sorry, it did not turn out the way you liked it.

Was the carpet trashed when you went in?

Some business owners want us to make a beat carpet look like new and sometimes we just can't.

Some business owners just don't want to pay and this could be a way of getting out of writing that check.

Good luck.



Re: Problem

May 17 2005, 2:07 PM 

Let me start off by writing that this past weekend I cleaned a new (6months old) commercial carpet 12000 sq ft with many coffee stains but I didnt have my cimex with me in NYC (last minute request) so I used my 300 RPM with the fiber plus pads and used regular releasit when I got to the coffee stains I just sprayed it on with a pump up and let the pad do the work.......all gone happy customer.

BUT anytime that I come across coffee stains I always leave the costomer this voice mail

We took care of the carpet but there was X amount of coffee stains etc "they might need another treatment today if they return" if so I will take care of them tonight thanks Tad

And the next day call or stop in to see if everything is "OK"
this puts the customer at ease or his or her head off the chopping block and yours in its place LOL

Also check the search under coffee you will find some mor INFO. Rick, has this link that I have based my post on.

Best to all!

This message has been edited by tadsvces on May 18, 2005 12:55 AM
This message has been edited by tadsvces on May 17, 2005 2:02 PM



May 17 2005, 5:07 PM 

Hi Tad, I tried that link to the message and got the following message.

No such message.

Is the problem at your end or mine??

Cheers, and just about to have my first coffee of the day.


Mark Anthony

No Such Message????

May 17 2005, 6:54 PM 

I get the same thing on the link and no page on your web-page

Thanx :~}

Afterglow Services
Commercial & Residential Carpet Care


James Stephens

coffee stains

May 18 2005, 12:00 AM 

From your post, it sounds as if you did not go back and check for yourself, just took the owners word?

Before I even start a job, I do a thorough inspection and let the customer know what they can expect before I even pull out my equipment, even if I think I can get it out, I will tell them that it probably won't come out but I will do my best. This way, if I get it out, I am a hero, if I don't, then I have already made them aware of the problem.

I always carry stain magic with me and it works 99% of the time on many stains, especailly coffee.

Also, there are some people that want something for nothing....




Re: coffee stains

May 18 2005, 12:38 AM 

This message has been edited by tadsvces on May 18, 2005 12:42 AM


Rick Gelinas

Follow these instructions very carefully

May 18 2005, 8:08 AM 

Hi Joe,

It's hard to say exactly what may have been the case with this job. I can say that recurring spills can be completely eliminated with using Releasit as a spill treatment. And the appearance of a heavily soiled carpet can be restored to excellent condition if you take your time and avoid over-wetting. Here are the instructions for running the Cimex - if followed carefully you should see good results consistently.

Normal Soil:
Make a wet-pass followed directly by a dry-pass. The wet pass is normally made with the valve held wide open walking at a quick pace. The dry-pass is normally made walking at a slower pace. You can feather out a touch more of solution on the dry pass by tapping the trigger every few steps. You just need to wet out the fiber. More solution is not better. The most that you want to use is just enough to lightly whiten the surface. Keep in mind that the average of 300 sq ft per gallon of rtu solution is the target - up or down slightly from that number is acceptable. The wet-pass / dry-pass process that's outlined above is the most common method of cleaning. At that rate you'll average about 2,000 sq ft per hour.

Heavy Soil:
On a heavily soiled carpet there may be a need to make a couple of extra dry passes. If you’re cleaning trashed carpet, you may want to pre-spray the carpet first. Then make a wet pass followed by 2 or 3 dry passes (again you’re only looking to apply enough solution to see a light whitening on the carpet’s surface on your dry passes). This method will average around 1,000 sq ft per hour. IT SOUNDS LIKE THE JOB YOU DESCRIBED WOULD FALL INTO THIS CATEGORY.

Light Soil:
On lightly soiled carpets you can make a single slow pass as you feather the solution trigger (again you’re only looking to apply enough solution to see a light whitening on the carpet’s surface). This technique can average 3,000 sq ft per hour.

In situations where there's a heavier soil load you can use Releasit as a pre-spray. Avoid using another product to pre-spray, because the foreign chemistry will foul up the crystallization. To pre-spray with Releasit simply follow the mixing directions on the container. Use a coarse tip sprayer. Then run the Cimex like normal following the same procedures listed above. In the case of a heavily soiled carpet that requires pre-spray you will likely need to follow the directions for a heavy soiled carpet above.

Recurring Spill Treatment
1. Avoid wetting the spill stain.
2. Scrub the spot aggressively for a full minute. Do NOT apply any detergent. The only moisture that you're scrubbing with is the moisture in the pads. Keep the carpet as nearly dry as possible. This is an extremely aggressive low moisture cleaning. 3. Have a spray bottle of 50/50 Releasit on hand (1:3 if you're using DS). Spray a few good mists of this mixture onto the spill stain. 4. Run the Cimex over the spot one more time to work the solution of Releasit down into the fiber.
Note: Follow these steps closely. The aggressive low moisture scrubbing combined with the crystallizing polymer in Releasit as well as the fluoro-chemical will prevent most instances of recurring spill stains.

Carefully follow the instructions above and you should be successful. Take your time on more challenging carpets. Follow the directions for scrubbing heavy soiled carpets, and carefully follow the instructions for spill stains. And even the worst carpets can turn out nice.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on May 18, 2005 8:03 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Follow these instructions very carefully

May 18 2005, 8:23 AM 

P.S. If the carpet has been cleaned very badly over an extended period of time (which may be the case from your description), there could be a need for a deep HWE cleaning to help unload the tremendous soil load lodged down in the backing of the carpet. A SLOW and thorough HWE cleaning can flush the carpet and reduce the crud. However if you decide to HWE the carpet thoroughly, you'll need to follow up with encap a day or so later because the carpet will wick terribly!!! After you fix it with the Cimex/Releasit - you should be in good shape and you'll have smooth sailing from there on out. This two step approach can sometimes be helpful when ocasionally dealing with a carpet that's been badly abused over a period of time.

Rick Gelinas

Kevin Jones

Re: Follow these instructions very carefully

May 18 2005, 12:06 PM 

I recently did a demo and landed the account. However, the carpet was extremely soiled and had not been cleaned in several years. When I called back on Tues. to schedule the cleaning for the rest of the building, I asked about the demo area (it was done the first part of April). The manager said it still looked good but some spots had reappeared. I know it was because I overwet it trying to get those spots out and told him that was probably the reason. It is definitely a low moisture system and based on Rick's warnings in the past, if ya overwet it, you may have spots reappearing.


Re: Follow these instructions very carefully

May 18 2005, 12:58 PM 

definitely true, which is why more dry passes are needed in that scenario.

also, using the FP Max pads creates more heat and will leave the area drier.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: coffee stains

May 18 2005, 1:53 PM 

Thank you all for your response to my question. We did go over it last night Rick with HWE and now it has some streaking to it. I am planning on going over it again with the Cimex. Thing is there was only one coffee stain that was visable before I cleaned the carpet. The others came up after I cleaned the carpet and could not be seen before. I think Rick is correct in stating dirt was build up under the carpet and came back up. I think Chem-dry just bonnets the top of the carpet so it makes sense that the dirt would be down in the carpet. And yes I took the owners word for it, I have known him since grade school and I did look as soon as time permited, but he would not lie about. Again, thanks for the help everyone!


Re: Problem

May 19 2005, 8:00 AM 

OK, after HWE the carpet is even worse. Strangest thing is now lines about 3" wide have appeared in a few areas of the carpet. Could these be glue down lines? Never in all my years of carpet cleaning have I seen this, I will post pictures later.


Re: Problem

May 19 2005, 8:32 AM 

This message has been edited by j4kcleaning on May 19, 2005 8:33 AM

Kevin Jones

Re: Problem

May 19 2005, 3:11 PM 

Hmmm....interesting. How far apart are these lines? If they are 6 to 12 feet apart, it sounds like the installer glued down the edges and used seaming tape at the seams. I could be wrong, but I know its been done before. I don't know why that would cause the other problems though. Just a thought.

Current Topic - Problem
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS