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cimex question from padcapping question

May 20 2005 at 4:35 AM


Are you saying the cimex does not cause tip blooming even on residential carpet. I always thought that the cimex was too aggressive for residential. Are there any precautions for using the cimex on residential carpets?


Rick Gelinas

Re: cimex question from padcapping question

May 20 2005, 6:44 AM 


A Cimex is gentle with a high degree of agitation that's safe for the fiber. This is a result of the planetary action. The machine scrubs left and right simultaneously. That's why the fellows use them in rug washing applications where they're dealing with EXPENSIVE and delicate old oriental rugs.

Try this... Take a Cimex, a rotary, a cylindrical brush machine and an OP machine onto a piece of cheap residential cut pile carpet. Wet out the carpet evenly with detergent so there's plenty of lubrication on the yarn. Now hold each of the machines stationary as you run them on the carpet. Run each machine side by side on the carpet for a minute, two minutes, three minutes, and so on. Compare the sections to evaluate any damage. See what you come up with. You'll find that the degree of wear to the fiber will vary from lesser to greater in the order that the machines are listed above. Try it for yourself and see.

Rick Gelinas

Bo Newman

Re: cimex question from padcapping question

May 20 2005, 6:59 PM 

Rick is spot on with his observation. It agrees with mine and I believe it is correct.


Re: cimex question from padcapping question

May 21 2005, 3:02 AM 

Very interesting, its just that I do not have access to all these equipment, just an OP on hand. I see cimex in my future though.

Current Topic - cimex question from padcapping question
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