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Oriental Rug Question

May 23 2005 at 2:02 PM
John Long  

Sometimes those little white knots show up and become more visible after cleaning wool area rugs.

Anyone have a suggestion for hiding or coloring them in?

Markers or something that works well?

And where did you get what you use?

John Long


# Oriental Rug Question

May 25 2005, 5:57 AM 

John, if those little white knots are an intrinsical part of the rug, why would you want to alter them??

I, for one, certainly would not even attempt to colour them.

To me, they would be an authentic part of the rug, and, as such, should be left as they are.

Quite possibly, when the rug was first purchased, they were just as white as what you have restored them to.

Having said that, I would also like to add that I am no rug expert, and would also like to read the views of others that are much more experienced in this line of work.

People that I am referring to would be the likes of,

Lisa Wagner

Ruth Travis

Auserehlian Rug School, (hope that's correct)

Jeff Bishop

etc; etc;



John Long

Hey Shorty!

May 25 2005, 7:19 PM 

Thanks for the response.

I got a very useful response on another board. I have copy and pasted it below. Ken Snow who runs a large cleaning company that services many oriental rugs responded. Here it is:

Those "weavers knots" can be handled in 1 of 3 ways 1) poked thoguh to the back of the rug if possible- 2) dyed using indelible markers of like color (available at artist supply stores or online)or 3) the least desirable is cutting them out which has risk of damaging the integrity of the rug.


Shorty, thanks for your response. By the way, I tried the "poking it through to the back" suggestion. Worked like a charm!

John L.

Current Topic - Oriental Rug Question
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