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maintenance program

May 23 2005 at 5:04 PM

i bought a Cimex from Rick a year ago, yet i have to admit i'm not as busy as i'd like to be with commercial work (mainly because i've done little to promote it, which i'm going to change immediately)..

my question is, when you guys get like Doctor's offices etc, do you....

1. wait for them to call you when they want it cleaned again?

2. send them a reminder letter every 6 months?

3. or sell them on a cleaning program? and if you do, how often do you suggest it be cleaned each time?

thanks for any help

This message has been edited by fvh on May 23, 2005 5:17 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: maintenance program

May 23 2005, 11:13 PM 

Most of the smaller accounts, such as doctors offices, are kind of hard to keep on track with regular service. These smaller accounts can sometimes slip through the cracks. Try to send them reminders or call them to remind them at least every 6 months.

As you get into larger accounts they're more likely to go for a maintenance plan. They see the value of maintaining their investment. And they often will view this as a necessary monthly expense. So introduce this to them when you're selling the account.

I think the best advice I can give you is to try to go after the larger accounts. Not to say that the smaller doctors offices and the like are necessarily bad, but they're not as eager to jump into a regular routine of service. I firmly believe the real money will be made by going after the larger 10,000 sq ft and higher jobs (you've got the tool for it). These types of accounts have deeper pockets, they recognize the need to maintain their carpeting investment, and they're easier to get set up on a regular basis.

Hope this gives you some food for thought.

Rick Gelinas


Re: maintenance program

May 24 2005, 1:53 AM 

the only time i ever send a company my info is after i have already hand delivered my info, and the decision maker never received it (which is about 40% - 50% of the time). otherwise i NEVER send letters. i prefer to call my contact and speak with him/her personally.

of course i am a small timer thus far, i can't afford to wait around for ppl to call me.

thanx --- D.


Re: maintenance program

May 28 2005, 2:40 PM 

Releasit has changed our view of carpet cleaning.

Current Topic - maintenance program
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