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Large Black Cup of Coffee

May 25 2005 at 8:26 AM


Good Morning to all!

Well I just opened up the post :No longer a Cimex virgin" with my large black cup of hot coffee and I Dont know What happened but the coffee spilled all over me my desk,keyboard,beige carpet,behind the desk on the wall well you know a mess.

I ran into the garage to get my Releasit Encap-Spot and some white towels etc. I'm Happy to report that all spilled coffee has been removed, Thank's to RICK's RELEASIT ENCAP-SPOT.

Tad Davanzo


Patrick Matte

Re: Large Black Cup of Coffee

May 25 2005, 12:50 PM 

It seems as you were equally excited about someone losing their virginity !!!

Just couldn't resist.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Large Black Cup of Coffee

May 25 2005, 3:08 PM 


Glad to hear that it worked well for ya!

I can't tell you how many times we've had and heard of success getting stuff up with Encap-Spot.

Like the time we had guests over and a 1/2 bottle of red wine got spilled on our Karastan wool oriental rug - used Encap-Spot - not a trace was left.

Or like when my wife brought a nice dish of berries to my desk and I knocked the entire bowl of berries and red juice onto the beige carpet - used Encap-Spot - not a trace was left.

Or like the last week when we had some kids from our congregation riding in the backseat of our car and one one of them sat on a chocolate bar and smeared it into the seat (10 year olds are brain dead). I found the damage the next morning - used Encap-Spot - not a trace was left.

But the best stories come from Nancy's mom. They have dogs and cats - real Vermont animal lovers. We originally gave her a quart of Encap-Spot for the animals, and now she uses it on everything. We had to send her a whole case because she likes it so much. She's always telling Nancy some weird story, like pulling out an old pair of suede shoes that had been packed away with water stains and figuring they can't get any worse - used Encap-Spot - not a trace was left.

So my advice is to keep some handy. I know that may sound like a sales pitch, but once you try it a few times you'll probably become dependent on it too, and you'll see that what I'm saying is true.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on May 25, 2005 3:09 PM



Re: Large Black Cup of Coffee

May 25 2005, 3:59 PM 

Your RELEASIT PRODUCTS always work out for me.

Ramona (wife) and I were relaxing one night I had just poured us both a large glass of merlot, and boom! me again spilled the wine onto the white wall,beige sofa and onto the beige carpet. Again Encap-Spot to the rescue and if I can use your "not a trace was left" is very true.

Maybe some small leave behind bottles with our company name etc. is in order.

Best to you and your Family


This message has been edited by tadsvces on May 25, 2005 4:01 PM
This message has been edited by tadsvces on May 25, 2005 4:00 PM


James Stephens


May 26 2005, 1:37 AM 

I guess you thought it was not possible in this day in age that a 37 year old male still needed to ... LOL

This message has been edited by cimex on May 26, 2005 6:13 AM

David Gelinas

What’s funny is that……

May 26 2005, 6:34 AM 

I was the one that gave that 10 year old the candy bar. LOL

Sorry about that Rick.

David Gelinas

Current Topic - Large Black Cup of Coffee
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS