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Got my mex on wed at 12:30pm

May 29 2005 at 6:17 PM

Frankie G (Spankie)  

Got my mex on wed at 12:30pm, by 1:30pm made $ 11am thursday $799.00 by friday at 12:30pm $1300.00.

that was ...

1 daycare
1 church
4 classrooms and a house. 11.5 man hours total.. was out by the pool enjoying the florida sunshine more than workin..

Thanks Rick


Re: Got my mex on wed at 12:30pm

May 29 2005, 9:56 PM 

I continue to be amazed by the numbers created by "the Mex" We have far surpassed the $100 an hour figure using encapsulation. The best of everything to you and your "moneymaker"


Rick Gelinas

Re: Got my mex on wed at 12:30pm

May 30 2005, 12:34 AM 

Congratulations Frank. Enjoy!

Please keep us posted as you move along with your new cleaning system.
It's exciting for you, and it's exciting for us to hear how you're doing.

Keep up the good work!!!

Rick Gelinas

Mark Dullea

Got my mex.......

May 30 2005, 6:23 PM 

Your start was much better than mine, Frank. Got my new 24"-er maybe 2 weeks ago. Just got it out of the shipping carton a couple of days ago. Wanted to try to get the feel of it on some carpet before actually
taking it out for a job or a demo. So I bought a cheap piece of commercial carpeting about 6' x 6'.
Mixed up a couple of gallons of Releasit, poured it into the tank. Then noticed what I presumed to be the
motor trigger came tied back with some plastic cord. Went into the house to get something to cut it off with.
When I came back out to the driveway, where the Cimex and the cheap practice carpet were, I notice a huge
puddle (about 2 gallons) on the practice carpet. Turned out that what I thought was what you squeeze to make the motor run was instead what you squeeze to dispense the cleaner in the tank. Good thing I learned this on
my own driveway and practice carpet, instead of on some potential customer's carpeting.


Frankie G

Re: Got my mex.......

May 31 2005, 10:22 AM 

Mark, just chalk it up to a funny story u can tell on the boards a year from now.
I've been swinging some type of machine for 20+ years and i got bunches of oops stories.
Im enjoying the mex. I am just a little concerned I should have got the bigger one. (i have the 15") I did a real estate office sunday night and it was great having the small one but another job that was an open area,(about 5000sq ft) was tough.

The wt of the 15" is light enough to do the second floor thing in resi's, and i have the option to keep the machine with me in the SUV instead of using my trailer.

God Bless,

Current Topic - Got my mex on wed at 12:30pm
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS