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Scrolling Daily News Banner....?

June 1 2005 at 1:47 AM
Mark Anthony 

I am having great problems with my computer. I am a computer specialist (I think ha, ha)and since you put the "scrolling daily news banner" I have been getting alot of banner pop-ups and a change in my opening of the I-board. I traced it down to your new banner. I use Excellent-Supply as me Home Page. What do you thing or does anyone have an idea?

Thanx :~}

Afterglow Services
Commercial & Residential Carpet Care


Rick Gelinas

Re: Scrolling Daily News Banner....?

June 1 2005, 5:01 PM 

Those Cleanfax/CM boyz obviously just don't want ya going over to the dark side. LOL

Seriously though Mark, I doubt that the banner is doing anything, your puter problem may be linked to something else.

It's a simple Java script nested inside a table. The script tag is opened and closed properly. It's a pretty clean and simple bit of code. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Also, this scrolling banner is the same banner that's on the Cleanfax message board, the CM message board, the VLM board, and a few other industry websites. It seems to be working on all these various sites.

I'm wondering a couple of things. Do you have any problems after you visit the Cleanfax board? What symptoms are you having on your puter? How did you conclude that it's stemming from the banner on this site. Which browser are you using when this occurs?

Anybody else having troubles? My office computers as well as my home computers all seem to be working fine.

If we can establish something screwy is going on with the banner we'll dump it or get it fixed. At this point I'm uncertain of what may be causing your troubles.

Rick Gelinas

Mark Anthony


June 2 2005, 1:39 AM 

Ever since the banner was up and running I get about five different pop-ups. One just popped up that say's CERES and many on Casino ads. What I am going to do is change my Homepage to something else to see if I still have the problems. This way while I am checking my e-mail or just browsing I can then isolate it from there. I will let you know.

Thanx :~}

Afterglow Services
Commercial & Residential Carpet Care


Rick Gelinas


June 2 2005, 6:34 AM 


Here's something you might try...

Get a FREE Yahoo Toolbar for your browser.

It's got a Pop-Up blocker, and Anti-Spy program built in.

Plus you can open LAUNCH as well as other applets directly from it too. Launch is a customizable radio station that you tweak to only play what you like. Launch is FANTASTIC!

I love the toolbar. And blocking pop-ups is one of its features. Check it out...

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Scrolling Daily News Banner....?
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