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wax and encap

June 9 2005 at 6:50 AM


Had a dentist office call they had tile floor stripped and waxed,now wax is on carpet,will encap clean wax off carpet?


Re: wax and encap

June 9 2005, 8:09 AM 

Recomend they have the ones who did it fix it. After finish drys on carpet, you will need stripper to soften it for removal. That may or may not bleed color from carpet. If you do it, get a waiver signed that it not your if it fades, unravels, delaminates or anything else.
Thats a real dumb move on tile people. Some water and a wet vac takes it right out of carpet while its still wet.



Rick Gelinas

Re: wax and encap

June 9 2005, 1:37 PM 

Brian is dead on with his response. The only thing that removes floor finish is floor stripper. They'll need to use stripper on the carpet and then it will need to be flushed with HWE. The likelihood of damaging the carpet, the backing, or the installation is considerable. There's nothing good about finish in carpet - the two don't mix well. Replacing the carpet may be necessary depending on how bad it is. If the mess can been cleaned up using stripper and HWE - encap cleaning might be helpful to clean up any residue lines left behind in the carpet.

Rick Gelinas

David Hebert

Re: wax and encap

June 9 2005, 2:01 PM 

Base Board stripper in an aerosol can.
Spray it on aggitate with a bone scrapper and suck it out, less of a mess
and less likly to get the backing of the carpeting.



Rick Gelinas

Re: wax and encap

June 9 2005, 2:12 PM 

Another good suggestion.

SC Johnson makes a product called Bravo Foam in a can. We've used it for years, it works pretty good. It would soak down to the backing, but it wouldn't flow into the other areas of the carpet as quickly as a traditonal stripping solution.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - wax and encap
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