| Slow but learningJune 12 2005 at 5:19 PM |
Jack Diebag
| I am often using my RX-20 with a beige pad to Encap residential berbers. I follow it with a damp bonnet and my results have been very encouraging. I am just wondering if I should be using the green label punch instead of the red DS label juice.
One more question:
I have started using the drill style brush that Rick sent me to do furniture. I prespray and aggitate small areas and towel them off. So far its produced wonderful results but I notice that there seems to be a rather sticky residue on my hands afterwords. Since I don't see the pieces the next day and since I have had no complaints, rather the opposite, I am wondering if body sweat might reactivate the chemical left behind and cause an unwelcome sticky feeling. Perhaps I should still be extracting. Other's experience would be welcomed.
| Author | Reply |
Rick Gelinas
| Re: Slow but learning | June 12 2005, 5:49 PM |
Hi Jack,
You are correct to be using the Encap-Clean DS product in the setting you're describing. In truth, Encap-Punch would work well in this setting too. But I think I'd just stay with the DS, especially since you see it's giving you good results.
The sticky feeling on your hands is the liquid detergent. After it dries it becomes a brittle residue. Should work perfectly for you. Your application of both products sounds like you've got it nailed. Keep up the good work.
Rick Gelinas
encapman |
| Richard Brooks
| Re: Slow but learning | June 12 2005, 8:57 PM |
Jack, like you I have been using Releasit in a residential setting and depending on the type of carpet using fiber-plus pads along with different types of bonnets. I have used both the green label and the DS red label and I really can’t tell much if any difference in the end results. I know the foaming action is supposed to hinder the soil absorbing into the bonnet but again I can’t tell any difference in the cleaning ability. This being said I mainly use the red label DS because it is less expensive (no DS in green label). It’s also nice to only need one cleaner for commercial carpet using fiber plus pads and for residential bonneting.
I agree with Rick regarding the “sticky residue” when cleaning furniture, it’s normal. Check the residue on carpet before it dries, it will feel the same as the furniture did. Dry some Releasit in a glass bowl, as it dries it feels sticky however when it is completely dry it will be brittle and flake off.
| Michael Norlen
| sticky residue | June 12 2005, 10:52 PM |
The sticky residue could be the detergents breaking down the fat that is in the secondary layer of your skin. this is normal as the detergent is manufactured to break down these "oily" stains |
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