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Trigger malfuctions

June 19 2005 at 11:52 AM

Not a happy day! So I go to a retail store to give a demo with the cimex. I swagger in, ask for the magager, who shows me a big ugly black spot on the carpet. I laugh with distain as I promise "no problem" (I mean the cimex/releasit combo rocks, right?). I swagger back out to my van,, unload the beast, swagger back in, counting the money thats about to enter my pocket. I plug in the cimex, tilt the head forward, and proclaim "Watch this!" to the manager who has his hands on his hips and his eye brows up. I bend over and turn on the valve abd solution comes spraying out of an invisable hole in the tube. "Just a minute...." I say as the manager cracks a smile. I flip out my pocket knife, cut the tube and slip it back on the valve. "OK, here we go!" I say with a confident smile. Turn the valve on, no leaks, so I fire her up and pull the trigger. Nothing. Try again. Nothing. The trigger is hard as a rock. I look at the bottom of the solution tank, and it is hanging below the bracket that it normally rests on. So I pull the tank back up to it's normal position, and yank the saloution trigger. Nothing again! This time the trigger is looser than a wet noodle. I inspect the crimping mechanism that controls the flow of the solution. Nothing doing. By now the manger is smiling and makes a comment about Murphy's law. I manage a weak reply and head back out to my van, empty a trigger bottle, put some DS in it, head to the bathroom, fill up the remaning space in the bottle, come back to the cimex, spray the spot and surrounding areas, ans scrub with a vengance. The spot comes out (It was a spilled rock star energy drink) and the surrounding areas look incredible (I mean the cimex/releasit combo rocks, right?). The manager calls over a few employees and they are all in shock as to how nice the carpet is coming out. He asks me to come back on tues. to set up a time to do the whole store. So I wrap up the cord on the yellow beast, swagger out the door, and drive me and my bad self home. The question is, what the heck is wrong with the cimex. PLEASE HELP!!! I don't know if my ego can handle another beating. Tom


Rick Gelinas

Re: Trigger malfuctions

June 19 2005, 1:07 PM 

Sorry to hear about your bruised ego

Sounds like your Cimex took a whack in the van. If the tank has detached from the bottom bracket it must have gotten banged, or pulled, or something. This will prevent the solution feed from working properly, as you've already seen.

Here's a simple fix:

1) Position the tank where it belongs on the bottom bracket.
2) Remove the top clamp from the tank. This is where the tank is bolted at the top.
3) Cut a strip of bicycle inner tube and place it under the top clamp. With the tank positioned squarely where it belongs, bolt the top clamp back down.

This will securely hold the tank in place. It's a simple fix that works like a charm. And it will help to keep your ego in top form too.

Rick Gelinas

Mark Hart

Re: Trigger malfuctions

June 19 2005, 2:39 PM 

Another thing you can do if the tank comes off of the bracket, is get some velcro, cut it to the size of the bracket. Attach it to the bracket and bottome of the tank. The tank will not move.

Current Topic - Trigger malfuctions
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS