first time cimex userJune 22 2005 at 10:25 PM |
marc pierson
| we have been using release-it for a couple of weeks.Just recently bought older used cimex (r48) and used for the first time today.Great machine. I did notice that i used way more product than i should have. 500 sf office and used 3 gallons. Iwas having a hard time figuring out which direction i should have the pads moving in. when i trigger the chemical it sems to take a while to wet out the pads and it seems to be very uneven when it does flow or to much all at once.i pulled the pad holders off and the flow seems to be even but hard to tell by yuorself.I did review the Instructions on the website as well.please advise. thank you for a great product. |
Author | Reply |
| hiyas Marc :) | June 22 2005, 11:36 PM |
welcome to the club!
clean out the plumbing as is directed somewhere on this site / forum.
other than that, chalk it up to being a new user. give it a few months and you'll get more and more adjusted on the correct way to use the trigger.
thanx --- Derek. |
Tom McQuigge
| Re: first time cimex user | June 23 2005, 12:18 PM |
When I first got my Cimex I had that problem too...I fooled around with the shut off valve and turned it down to about half way...I walk slowly and make a good scrub pass and 1 dry pass usally does the job...I let go of the trigger about 8 feet before the end of the wet pass and then squeeze it again when I am turning for the next wet pass so its ready for the next pass...takes some foolin with but after awhile it's like riding a bike... |
| Re: first time cimex user | June 23 2005, 1:51 PM |
Marc, Welcome try to just "feather" the trigger instead of holding it,
also was the carpet trashed,what color, how long has it been in between cleanings?
I start out by putting down a light pre-spray of releasit to lube the fibers then,before starting the MEX I pull on the trigger until I see the solultion zip through the tube & turn the machine on and go.
Listen and you will "hear" the solution being applied from the machine onto the carpet (2) look down and see the a light distribution of the releasit keep on walking @ a good pace.
I tried to search for how Rick and the other guys helped me in the begining but the search function did'nt work
But everytime you use the machine you will learn to dance with her.
I'm sure Rick will chime in soon!
Tad |
Rick Gelinas
| Re: first time cimex user | June 23 2005, 4:49 PM |
Hi Marc,
You've got mail.
Rick Gelinas
encapman |
Clay Carson
| Re: first time cimex user | June 24 2005, 9:41 PM |
You don't need to whip it into a lather...really light foam is OK for most carpet. May need much more for trashed, though.
Also check dilution ratios. Very easy to go overboard and use the glug glug method.
Fun to use, though, isn't it???
When we have someone new use the Cimex for the first time, they always say the same thing, muttered under their breath or right out loud: "Hey, I really like this machine!"
Takes about 2 minutes or so for that feeling to sink in. |
Current Topic - first time cimex user |