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Tea Tree Oil

June 23 2005 at 5:39 PM

Kevin Pearson  

I got some more questions on the Tea Tree Oil. Fist, I finally found some at GNC for 10.23 an ounce is that good? Secondly, In our initial couple of test it seems to work a lot better than anything else I have ever tried for odors. However, it does seem like 10-20 drops in a gallon of mixed Releasit DS is not enough at least for the things I have tried it own. Does it hurt the Releasit to go 30-40 drops per gallon. You see on some rugs we cleaned it knocked out about 90% of the dirty dog odor with 20 drops the first cleaning and then on the second cleaning it knocked out the rest so I was wondering could we just use more tea tree oil to start with rather than cleaning twice?

Thirdly, when you do urine spots in carpet should you mix the tea tree oil in a gallon of plain water or mix it into a gallon of mixed Releasit DS, then pour it on the carpet and use the water claw. Does it matter or is either way fine?

Kevin Pearson

Richard Brooks

Re: Tea Tree Oil

June 23 2005, 9:23 PM 

Great Question! I’ve been testing also and have had about the same results. I plan on adding more Tea Tree Oil tomorrow unless I see a response here from Rick that says I shouldn’t. It is a good project to test it on.

I purchased an ounce of Tea Tree Oil at Walgreens for $9.99.

I’ve been using Encap-Punch mixed normally with 20 drops per gallon of Tea Tree Oil added for use with the Water Claw. My thought is that the Encap-Punch is not a foaming cleaner but Encap-Clean is (no foaming problem when extracting). Also using encapsulation technology should help encapsulate some of the remaining urine residue (can't do anything but help). I feel that the Water Claw and Encap-Punch with boosted Tea Tree Oil can be a good combination for pet spots.

This message has been edited by HitTheSpot on Jun 24, 2005 12:10 AM
This message has been edited by HitTheSpot on Jun 23, 2005 9:21 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Tea Tree Oil

June 23 2005, 10:08 PM 

Ten bucks an ounce is about average for retail. The 10-20 drop per gallon rate is the threshold where anti-bacterial properties begin to take effect with Tea Tree. However if you need 30-40 drops per gallon you should still be in a reasonable range working with the Releasit. Give it a shot and please be sure to share your results with the gang here.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jun 24, 2005 6:30 AM



Re: Tea Tree Oil

June 24 2005, 12:19 AM 

Thanks Richard and Rick. When we have added the tea tree oil at 40 drops per gallon of mix it just seemed to eliminate with only one cleaning.

And Richard that was a great idea about using the Encap-Punch and with extra Tea tree oil. Way to use your thinking cap.

Kevin Pearson

PS The more we use the Releasit boosted with extra Tea Tree oil the more I think how am I going to get rid of my OSR now.

This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Jun 24, 2005 12:21 AM

Richard Brooks

Re: Tea Tree Oil

June 24 2005, 12:29 AM 

I found a seller on eBay that has a good price on Tea Tree Oil. I didn't look around much at other sellers but this one caught my eye. 4oz. for $8.74 with shipping.

Here is the link:

Current Topic - Tea Tree Oil
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS