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June 24 2005 at 8:05 AM

I'm trying to convince my employer that he should buy a Cimex.
He says that he can't believe that brushes can clean as well as bonneting.
I was wondering could any of you send some before and after pictures?
Send them to
Also does anybody know of a local distributer of the Cimex in the Seattle Washington are?


Re: Help.

June 24 2005, 9:19 AM 

and when he hears that pads clean far better than brushes he'll fall over.

thanx --- D.


Patrick Matte

Re: Help.

June 24 2005, 4:37 PM 

I second Derek's statement.Hey Frosty,check your email.

Clay Carson

Re: Help.

June 24 2005, 9:37 PM 

Here's what I do to demonstrate the pads - beats talking about it. Use pretty strong concentration of Releasit and use plenty.

Either: 1. Cut a pad up and hand scrub a section of carpet with it (works better if carpet is uuuugggllly)
or 2. Attach a piece of pad to a Makita variable speed grinder and put in on lowest RPM and do the same. More impressive, better job, and more like Cimex

3. Use a low speed Scrubber from Black and Decker to do the same as 2 above, but less $$.

Seeing is believing, folks.

Then just go buy Cimex.


An email I recived.

June 25 2005, 3:06 PM 

I opened my email an found this.

From: mcklean1 []

Don't believe all the hype with the new marketing buzz word for the SHAMPOO method.Done properly the main soil load is removed by the prevacuuming stage.The theory is that what is left is crystallized in a polymer and dries up to be vacuumed later.But in truth you will never see anything in your vac bag in the post vac to suggest you really cleaned.They call it smoke and mirrors in our industry.
Its also just an interium method like bonnet cleaning.
Your employee who frequents a chat board is in fact posting on a board where the educational content is biased toward the distributer who sells the snake oil and machines.How can you get an honest answer that way?

Current Topic - Help.
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS