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June 27 2005 at 7:33 PM
Mark Hart  

I just got finished measuring out 90,000 s/f of carpet @ new airport. Contractors trashed it. I planned on Releasit\Cimex until I noticed that it is Milleken carpet. I seem to remember something on the board about voiding the warranty if I do. Any info or suggestions?

john barham

Re: Milleken

June 27 2005, 9:10 PM 

I may be wrong but when milliken came out with those carpet squares he put in his warranty that you would void the warranty if you used anything other than capture to clean the carpet.I guess it was because he also manufactures capture also.

But if i'm not mistaken he has changed the warranty to read that capture is the recommended cleaning process.

I'm in spartanburg sc were Mr.Milliken lives.Alot of his plants are here also.One in paticular would call us once a year to steam clean those carpet squares.Always wondered why they didn't use capture.

John Barham


Re: Milleken

June 28 2005, 8:55 AM 

I've cleaned alot of carpet squares with the Cimex. If they are installed properly, no problems. I've had some older ones look checker boarded when first done, after a few days of traffic on them, all was good.



George Barnett

Re: Milleken

June 28 2005, 2:09 PM 

Many years ago when I was a project manager for janitorial service, we serviced a large corporate office building with carpet squares. They wanted nothing but Host used on the squares. Busted one night by building manager for using bonnet because there were so many spills it would have taken a ridiculous amount of Host powder and spotter to clean. They would have loved encap.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Representative

Current Topic - Milleken
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS