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What a difference a day makes.....

June 28 2005 at 7:35 PM

Yesterday I was all fun and playful, today I'm all frustrated and ticked off. Oh I schizophrenic?? Maybe not. Years ago, I went to college with the idea of becoming a minister. Somewhere along the way, a marriage that went South and many other things I'm not too proud of, I ran away fast from this "calling". Heck, I even served as a camp counselor and youth minister during college and served as interim pastor at a small church for about 2 years after college. When I ran, I became a cop. That was something else I always wanted to do. Stayed a cop for 10 and 1/2 years. Became one because I wanted to help the "little guy". Problem is, I also tried to help the little guys in the dept. against the administration and the city officials. Wow, even when you do well on promotional exams, you can still not get promoted! Imagine that! lol Well, now here I am in this industry which I really love. 5 years ago, I went back to divinity school. I loved it, but 1/2 a semester into it, a full timer quit and I had to take back over the reins so to speak. I remember telling the dean of the school that I felt good about everything. I also remember telling him that if I was screwing up by leaving school, that if the "Man upstairs" (so as not to offend anyone by using His name), still wanted me in the ministry, my business would never survive. I have worked hard on this business, yet I still struggle every day. I have a great reputation as being one of the best in the area, yet my phone still does not ring as often as it should and I am coming off the slowest 2 week period I have ever had in peak season. Rather than getting busier, I seem to be getting less busy. Then today, a nice size mold job that I am given preliminary go ahead by local management at an apt. complex, gets snatched away. The District Manager slammed the door in my face (not literally) without even trying to meet with me and gave it to somebody else FROM OUT OF TOWN (which is where he lives). He has a copy of my credentials and a list of references for mold work, yet he never even considered me! They did tell me to send them a bill for what I have already done as far as inspections, some containment and removal of soaking wet, mold infested carpet from one unit. However, several hundred dollars does not compare to several thousand dollars!!
Oh well, sorry Rick for rambling on. Am I looking for advice? I don't know, maybe so! What I'm really looking for is someone to give me the answer!! lol
So...what do I do? Continue on or interpret these setbacks as someone's way of tellling me to get my act together at 44 years of age and do what I felt called to do at 18? What? You don't know the answer? Well, shucks! I was hoping you did! Cause I sure don't!! I guess I'll keep pushing a wand and a Cimex (or is that a Cimex and a wand?) until either I figure it out or drop dead from (hopefully) old age!!
Thanks for letting me talk to myself on this here forum. Geez, maybe I am schizo!! Nah.

David Hebert

Re: What a difference a day makes.....

June 28 2005, 8:06 PM 

Ohh Boy you opened up a can of worms but here it goes.

First off let me say I am going through a similar situation reguarding my biz direction.
I kept praying that what ever God wants me to do to let it come my way.
Oh man, both oportunities came my way now what I can safely only do one of them, and that means the other needs to go with the door shut tight with locks on it and probably not any way to switch if the way I choose goes sour.

Here it what I have done.

Seek the advice of people out of my situation I trust with my life, they also happened to be elders in the church, and people in the cleaning biz I respect.

Continue to pray and ask for guidence, next will be to fast for a few days pray and get into the word more and shut out the outside influences, and just sit and talk to God.

If you ask he will give you answers lot of times it is not what I would like to hear.


We are slow residental side I dont understand that
but commercially we are busy and trying to figure out if sleep is really needed

wayne martin

Re: What a difference a day makes.....

June 28 2005, 10:01 PM 

kevin, anyone who has ever said the pledge alligance knows His name is God.I doubt anyone is offended since it is your view. I have been in this bussiness and the Lords business since 1967 which doesn't qualify me to give you advise and i'm still learning! I know that many of the leaders in our industry have had some of the same issues you are experiencing and worked through it.As far as the events of each day are many times neutral and mean very little in telling us what to do with our life.It rains on the just and the unjust.God has your address and will be very specific.A true decision made at 18 may take twenty five years to mature. I spent many years a slave to the phone and yellow pages. We began to follow the advise of men like howard partidge and in just a few short years use no yellowpages and are recommended by the top high end floor covering retailers.We still have have some tedious weeks but nothing like the old days, so good marketing works.Sounds like you are a man of honor and integrity with a great reputation. Start putting that to work for you. Now in all fairness my wife did all the cold calling and monthly builds a strong relationship with these vendors. I didn't have to work eight hours a day and try to find time to market but others who did have to do it this way have been successfull.If you want to talk further my email is is simply to encourage you and you probably are already doing this stuff.

Good Success-Wayne


a day makes

June 28 2005, 11:27 PM 

get a Lobotamy

works for JiMmY


mark hart

Re: a day makes

June 29 2005, 3:48 PM 

Hey Wayne,

I beg to differ with your first sentence. God is a title, not, a name. To find out that name check any encyclopedia, Bible concordance, dictionary, even the prefaces of some Bibles. It is Jehovah and is written over 7,000 time in the original languages of the Bible.

Devin, I have found that keeping in mind Ecc 12:13 has help keep me focused on where I need to be and how much worry and time I'm going to put into this business. Once you figure out what the commandments are the rest is easy.

Kevin Jones

Thanks to all

June 29 2005, 8:53 PM 

who replied, and even to those of you who didn't but offered up a little word for me . Today has been better. Still kinda slow, but the positive outlook is back. I apologize for whining yesterday. Thanks for the words of encouragement! I appreciate it more than you will ever know! Now it's time to get back to working and supporting the ole family! Thanks again to everyone and to Rick for letting me post this whole thread!

PS to Wayne Martin.... I knew a Wayne Martin many years ago in Belhaven NC, just curious as to if you've ever been there. He and I coached a midget league football team together along with a gentleman named Tommy Leigh.

Current Topic - What a difference a day makes.....
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS