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Anybody using the brush's on cimex.....

July 1 2005 at 12:00 AM
Kevin Kermeen 

Instead of pads, if so do they clean as good?

Thanks, Kevin

Mark Hart

Re: Anybody using the brush's on cimex.....

July 1 2005, 12:08 AM 

I used the brushes for years until encap came out a couple of years age. I still use them for residential cut pile carpeting before extracting. However, for commercial looped and berber I'm finding that I like the pads better.


Re: Anybody using the brush's on cimex.....

July 1 2005, 12:58 AM 

Mark, are you referring to having used the brushes on your comex for years? or are you talking about a rotary?

i have the soft brushes for my Cimex. the FP pads do a far better job of cleaning. the soft brushes do good on lightly soiled carpet. do a Search on soft brushes, you can read a little more of my review on them

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Anybody using the brush's on cimex.....

July 1 2005, 9:25 AM 

after using pads on a rotory, after getting the cimex , I used the brushes on it for awhile, wasn't to impressed. after swithing to the pads on the cimex, now it a real cleaning machine. I had a bouncing problem with the brushes too that I havent had with the pads.



Re: Anybody using the brush's on cimex.....

July 1 2005, 2:20 PM 


Re: Anybody using the brush's on cimex.....

July 1 2005, 2:26 PM 

If you are doing alot of berber or comm glue down then go with the fp pads. The few res jobs that I do, are high end ones(owners of Facilities)and sometimes the custy has an issue with swirle marks so I use Brushes. The brushes are less agressive so you should take that into consideration, still good to have the brushes on hand for lightly soiled carpet.

I just did a job the other day, Mult-Millionare, Owner of half the hotles in my area, house was a dump, cat p@@P every where, carpet hadn't been clean since he bought the place. Any way I made him sign a wavier If the carpet fell appart I was not responsible, so I broke out my brushes, and much to the surprise of the owner,,Cimex/Relesit your guys know how that came out...

This message has been edited by GoEncap on Jul 1, 2005 2:36 PM

mark hart

Re: Anybody using the brush's on cimex.....

July 1 2005, 11:55 PM 

I've been using the Cimex since moving to FL in 1986 while working for someone else. I bought my first Cimex in 1995 & until Rick came on the scene I used brushes except for floor stripping or tile & grout.

This message has been edited by markahart on Jul 1, 2005 11:56 PM

mark hart

Re: Anybody using the brush's on cimex.....

July 2 2005, 1:43 PM 

Check that, I used brushes for tile & grout also.

Current Topic - Anybody using the brush's on cimex.....
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