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Solution line leaking

July 7 2005 at 12:29 AM
George Mavridis  

Just wondering if anyone can help.
Lately I have been having problems with my cimex in that the solution isn't making its way to the pads but rather spilling out onto the housing(blue) that holds the belts etc.

I need to have a look at the plastic hoses but cant get under the yellow cover.
I have rung the place of purchaes here in Australia and as yet havent had much joy.

Can anyone help with info on how to remove tha yellow cover so I can look underneath and see if the hose has come lose or split etc.

This is starting to cost me money as Im unable to do any jobs at present as the cleaning results are just not there.



Re: Solution line leaking

July 7 2005, 1:05 AM 

i'm sure Rick will help you out George. but i'm wondering if the tubing is cracked as you mentioned. i've read of others saying that it can crack sometimes where it meets the "stopper" which closes off pressure when you release the solution trigger on the handle.

is this the area it is leaking from?? put some colored water in and see where it comes out. hopefully it is the tubing which should be able to be replaced fairly easily.

also check the ends of the tubing and make sure they are attached tightly.

if i'm off base here, surely others can help ya.

thanx --- Derek.


George Barnett

Re: Solution line leaking

July 7 2005, 2:25 PM 

Try spraying out the tubing that feeds the brushes. Sounds like they are clogged.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Representative

Bo Newman

Re: Solution line leaking

July 7 2005, 7:56 PM 

If you want to take your machine apart enough to find out the exact problem you will need to start from the bottom. Turn your motor section upside down to get to the bottom. Pull off the pads holders.
l-Take out screws that hold the white cover. Do not take screws from the black rings. The rings stay with the white cover. Lift the white cover off.
2-Remove the belt.
3-Remove the C-ring. You will need C-ring pliers for this job. They're usually less than $10.00,if you don't have them.
To get to the C-ring you will probably have to remove one of the posts that support the white cover. Just screw it off.
4-Lift off the blue wheel.
Now you can get to everything, see what is wrong, clean out the lines or whatever you need to do.

Clay Carson

Re: Solution line leaking

July 7 2005, 9:09 PM 

The only place where we experienced solution tube leaking was at the base where it fits onto the cylinder leading down to the main base. It can split there.

We cut it with a sharp razor blade, reattach it and voila! No more leaks.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Solution line leaking

July 8 2005, 6:45 AM 

If the drive deck is overflowing over the top of the housing it means that your plumbing is plugged. The ductwork needs to be cleaned out regularly for optimum performance. Simple to take care of...

Rick Gelinas

George Mavridis

Problem fixed

July 8 2005, 3:14 PM 

Thanks for all your help fellas.
Have been on the phone with both my supplier of the machine and the distributor here in Australia and between us we solved the problem.
Rick your advice here was spot on the supply line was blocked and but taking those lugs out and flushing clean water through everything now is working OK.
Seems the filter had come out in the solution tank and gunk got it. I even had a little bug flush out.
Again thanks to all.


Current Topic - Solution line leaking
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