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Pictures for debate

July 8 2005 at 12:24 PM

George Barnett  

These pictures are from PDA camera that has no flash. The rooms have little overhead lighting and rely on window lighting and shadows may appear to be left over dirt. The loops in the carpet were crushed due to lack of vacuuming and trails from same were frequent throughout. This house (very old with uneven floors)is empty about the size of 2 bedroom apartment. Elderly lady using a cane to get around, probably the reason for not vacuuming, is the customer. 10 minute travel time.

Many stains like these throughout.

Finished product. I was happy with results and stains were gone.

Explained in detail the process of encapping and even showed video from my website on my PDA to help her understand the process. Charged her $120. With vacuuming and 4 passes with Cimex and Releasit took about an hour. Even explained that extraction following scrubbing would be best method but would cost another $70 to $100 but results would be similar.

Do you think the charge was too much or too little?

Cleaning process I used was correct or flawed?

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Representative


Re: Pictures for debate

July 8 2005, 1:13 PM 

hi George

well you made $120 in an hour, thats great $$$

cleaning process flawed???? heck no, you don't even need to ask anyone that...other than yourself and maybe your client. you did both so no worries. she made an informed decision.

you are the professional so you decide what needs to be done.

looks great to me.

thanx --- Derek.


Looks good

July 8 2005, 8:15 PM 


I think it looks good too. I hope I can the same
results that you got. I just got my cimex today and I have a big job tommorow.. my own house. I can't believe the size of this machine. Keep uo the good work and keep collecting those checks.



James Stephens

Re: Looks good

July 8 2005, 9:19 PM 

Looks good to me, a HWE guy. If I am not mistaken, that is a wool carpet carpet and normal spotting chemicals will bleach or burn the protein based fibers. I could be wrong about the wool because the camera clarity is, well, the best you had. Carpet looks as good as its going to get and shoudl dry fast.


Davo Flores

opposite view

July 9 2005, 10:01 AM 


I will take an opposite view. How dare you charge a little old lady that much for scrub and run. I can only see that being justified if you had to eat stale cake or look at pictures of her cat.

Seriously, it looks like you found your niche. With your movie star good looks I would think the word would get out through the coffee Klatch and you will be swamped with little old ladies. Watch out for the tchotckes.



George Barnett

Re: opposite view

July 9 2005, 2:35 PM 

Guess I'm busted. It's easy to go to the senior center and charm the old widow women out of their social security. Just act like the good son or grandson they never had and the job's yours. Just kidding.

It looked to be nylon hi-lo loop carpet. That also worried me on trying to extract it because the pictures don't really show the gaps from the hi-lo affect.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Representative

Current Topic - Pictures for debate
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS