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Question #2

July 11 2005 at 1:53 PM

When you guys measure a commercial business, say Movie Gallery, do you try to subtract out the shelving where the movies sit. Is there a certain percentage you try to take out before presenting a bid?


Re: Question #2

July 11 2005, 2:04 PM 

I don't take any footage out, if it was empty, it would take less time than going around everything



Rick Gelinas

Re: Question #2

July 11 2005, 6:56 PM 

What Brian said!

Rick Gelinas

Bob Wittkamp

30 years ago today

July 11 2005, 7:59 PM 

30 years ago today Mr. York taught us to sell clean carpets not carpet cleaning. Who'da known he'd be SO RIGHT????


Stephen Dobson

Re: 30 years ago today

July 11 2005, 9:29 PM 

I dont always subtract.
But if over 1/2 the store is shelving,, I do.
Or I dont write down the sq. footage and allow them to wonder.
I just give them a price and sell myself, My company , Clean and good service. Thats what comes with the price.

You just have to sort of play it by ear and get accustomed and experienced as you go. It gets easier.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Re: 30 years ago today

July 12 2005, 1:21 AM 

1st i was gonna agree with Brian, but now i agree with Stever. i never really think about it, but if it happens to be LOTS of shelves with very narrow aisles that are free from obstruction, THEN instead of wall-to-wall measurement, i only measure those narrow aisles.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: 30 years ago today

July 12 2005, 7:45 AM 

thanks guys.

Current Topic - Question #2
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