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Need Before/After pix

July 13 2005 at 12:54 PM
Mark Dullea  

Recently took possession of my new 24" Cimex. I've been too busy with peak season residential and small
commercial to do much other than continue to admire it it in my garage. Planning on marketing large-area services once residential market slows down, as weather cools in the fall. What I'd like to be able to get
are some convincing pictures of before & after a Cimex job, or pix showing the Cimexed side next to the
still dirty side. I would incorporate these into mailers, sit-down-type presentations, etc. Hoping some
of you with a documented Cimex track record might not mind if I showed your versions of what a Cimex can do.
I know there are some posted here, if I look into back pages, but wouldn't just want to take them and use them
without permission from those who actually did the work pictured. Anyone willing to make some pix


Need before/after pix

July 13 2005, 1:38 PM 

I'm with you. I would love to see some pics. I'm home with my kids today and there driving me crazy so I check the board every few hours. I have not used my 19" cimex yet on a commercial job, but I can't wait to start.



Re: Need Before/After pix

July 13 2005, 1:41 PM 

Mark, Fortunatly I have never came across carpet as trashed as some of Rick's pictures on this site. Those Before and After pictures where one of the factors that convinced me to buy the mex. Wanting that WOW factor for my company I called Rick and he said I can use his pictures on my web site
( and mailers. I don't feel it's misleading to use Rick's pictures because I have the same exact machine, and since the mex is almost fool proof, those pictures are typical of the results the custy will get..

So, Call Rick, I'm sure He won't mind, Hope that helps??


Stephen Dobson

Re: Need Before/After pix

July 13 2005, 2:30 PM 

Mark. email me your email address. so that I can reply and send you some. I just sent you 3 pics, they all came back to me.

I'll have more time this evening. I am just swallowing this bologna sandwich real quick.. then back to work .

I have some good ones.

I hope they help. I will send them out.
Rick has some great ones too.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

This message has been edited by sodobson on Jul 13, 2005 2:36 PM


Patrick Matte

Re: Need Before/After pix

July 13 2005, 8:25 PM 

I have some shots,sent them to Mark D. If anybody can post them to this BB,let me know so I can email you with them.


Re: Need Before/After pix

July 13 2005, 10:25 PM 

any i've posted here you can use.

let me see if i can find'em for you again. i believe they all the carpets are on the darker side, so they wont show up in black&white, would have to be color photos...

BRB --- Derek.


here's a couple Mark

July 13 2005, 10:50 PM 

anyone can use them if they'd like. just don't say you did the work of course. i suggest if someone asks if the pic is your work (tho no one's ever asked me..), is to say the picture is only a sample of the results they can expect with the Cimex. or something like that anyways, a free demo always speaks volumes, more than any picture can sell.

i guess i shoulda wiped off that door huh? lol

thanx --- Derek.

Mark Dullea


July 14 2005, 5:56 PM 

Thank you to everyone who offered assistance.

Current Topic - Need Before/After pix
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS