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Thank you Rick

July 13 2005 at 11:53 PM
Stan Kowalski  

I am beyond frustration. I have just finished my second attempt at posting a looong "thank you" to Rick G. I think I timed out! It all went away.Both times!

Anyway, I just wanted to thank Mr. Rick Gelinas for giving me the best service that I have ever recieved in over 24 years in this business. Rick, your response to my recent problem was immediate. Your sympathy was genuine. Your solution to my problem and desire to "make things right" was unsurpassed, even astounding. Thank you very, very much for your willingness to go far beyond the extra mile.

If I can ever be of service to you or anyone on this forum, it would be my pleasure.

Stan Kowalski
Decorator's Carpet Care, Inc


Re: Thank you Rick

July 14 2005, 3:17 AM 

service doesn't come any better.

yea i've had that happen here once. now i try to remember to copy/paste to Word or Notepad my longer winded replies so it don't happen again lol.

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Thank you Rick

July 14 2005, 2:01 PM 

Stan, you're too kind.

Rick Gelinas


Kevin Pearson

Re: Thank you Rick

July 14 2005, 6:24 PM 

I would like to thank Rick also. I have been in contact with Rick several times about things I thought could make his products better and now that Rick has tweaked the Releasit line it works even better than ever before. I have been trying out the new Encap-Punch and I am about half way through my first case and it is a great improvement over the original Punch. The dry time is similar to Encap-Clean and the cleaning ability is awesome. The only difference you can really tell is that Punch does not foam up like Encap-Clean. Rick has always listened to any comments or concerns and that is very refreshing. Thanks Rick for the new improved products. I can tell the difference and am really pleased.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - Thank you Rick
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS