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Florida SalesTax

July 14 2005 at 2:19 PM


I don't believe it. 5 months ago the DOR told me I MUST tax Commercial carpet cleaning. period. Now I go in to their office in daytona yesterday, pick up a flyer on cleaning services and it says CARPET CLEANING IS EXEMPT. I call tallahasee and they tell me DON'T TAX CARPET CLEANING (even commercial)unless you put down protector. There was a court case a while back that decided not to tax carpet cleaning.

now they tell me to reimburse the commercial clients or remit it to the DOR.

Now i'm Totally confused. Just my luck, i will return the tax, and they will audit me because they didn't get paid.

Have you cleaners in florida been collecting taxes on your commercial clients?



Mark Hart

Re: Florida SalesTax

July 14 2005, 2:53 PM 

Hey Joe,

This is news to me. I'm in Ft. Myers. I guess I better call and check it out. Does this include floor cleaning?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Florida SalesTax

July 14 2005, 3:32 PM 

All commercial cleaning services have been taxable in Florida for the past few years. One thing I've learned is that the nice people in Tallahassee are often inept when it comes to understanding how the tax monies get handled. We've received misinformation from them on a few occasions, therefore I wouldn't put much weight on what someone on the phone told you. Some of 'em ain't too slick. Looking at the form you faxed to me seems to indicate that all types of JANITORIAL services are taxable (which would also encompass carpet cleaning). I can surely see where the confusion comes into the picture, but I think it's safe to say that commercial carpet cleaning is still taxable within the state of Florida.

Rick Gelinas



Re: Florida SalesTax

July 14 2005, 3:40 PM 

Rick, like you said, don't rock the boat. Needless to say, theyll be getting my check tomorrow. It just suprises me that they themselves are not sure what is taxable and what is not.

Joe Mellon

Sales Tax

July 14 2005, 10:08 PM 

As in NJ all cleaning services are taxed.

We now went to paperless filing and thats more of a pain then the old coupon way.

You now need to send a check payment by phone or cc to do the sales tax payments.

Doug Payne

Re: Sales Tax

July 15 2005, 9:26 PM 

whew glad we dont have to collect tax on that stuff

Current Topic - Florida SalesTax
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