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Rick, your hurting my bottom line......

July 20 2005 at 10:07 PM

James Stephens  

I have been cleaning the hallways in a hotel like apartment complex with long corridors for the past 5 years, all three stories. I have steam cleaned them, bonnetted them and tried just about everything. I cleaned these every other month. $400.00 per building, took about 3 hours and there are two buildings.

I cimexed last time for the first time, explained to management that they needed to vacuum the next day etc.. and this was a new system to call me if there were any wick backs or problems that I had had before with my cleaning methods. This was last May. I called last night and told them I was coming today. Manager called me today and cancelled because he said that the carpets had NEVER looked so good and that they wanted to go every 4 months instead of every two. Therefore, thats a $800.00 every other month loss.

THANKS A LOT RICK!!!!!!! Can't you create something that looks awesome for two months and then gets real dirty

( I am being a smart ass to others that may get the wrong idea, just my sense of humor)



Stephen Dobson

Re: Rick, your hurting my bottom line......

July 21 2005, 12:26 PM 

I have had the same thing happen.
I knew that you were being silly.

An option is to meet them in the middle on price. Explain that you have a procedure or method that will make it not need cleaned as often.

Say if your job is 400.00, make it 600.00 and you make more off each cleaning, and that helps to balance out that you will do less cleanings,, they win still and you do to.

Nobody can beat a win/win combo.

just thinking outloud.

(of course, it's easier to do this before you encap/cimex it the first time). Easier to sell it then.

Best of luck.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Patrick Matte

Re: Rick, your hurting my bottom line......

July 21 2005, 1:46 PM 

Be like the Japanese;clean so you don't or before you see dirt/soil. Clean "clean"!


Re: Rick, your hurting my bottom line......

July 21 2005, 6:01 PM 

I don't see any customer/client going for a 50% increase.


Stephen Dobson

Re: Rick, your hurting my bottom line......

July 21 2005, 6:36 PM 

an increase in price, results, and less cleanings.
dont put the emphasis on the increase, rather the savings in the overall picture.

Its worked for me.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


James Stephens

song and dance

July 21 2005, 11:43 PM 

Trust me, I had already had 3 hours booked for this job and I had 2 hours of wait time paying my employee 17.50 an hour because I could not move my afternoon appointments up. Rather than calling at 8 a.m., they called me at 12:00 because I had left on the machine I would be there at 1:00 p.m.,

I tried to give them the speech about prevention and when you see the dirt its to late speel but they did not fall for it. Be looking for my bill coming to you soon Rick.



Rick Gelinas


July 23 2005, 12:10 AM 

Sounds like Releasit is a Win Win for you and your client.

OK, so they may want to go longer between cleanings. That's PERFECT!
Bring it to their attention!!! Shout it from the rooftops! Put it in a report and send it to the president of the company - how YOU are saving them money. Frame it in a plaque on the wall. In other words, make them realize that you are their carpet care hero.

Yeah sure, it may look like less money up front in the beginning. But the reputation you'll build in the end as someone who is SERVING their interests will be rewarded. In the long run, either by referrals for new work, increased servicing of this existing client's locations, or deepened customer loyalty (i.e client retention) you'll inevitably be rewarded. Whenever we can improve the bottom line for our customers, it will almost always comes back to us in the end. So feel good about creating a better environment for your customer and their staff to work in. And know that when it's all said and done, you're bottom line will continue to expand as time goes on. So keep up the good work, it sounds like the system's working nicely for you

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 23, 2005 12:14 AM
This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 23, 2005 12:09 AM

David Hebert


July 23 2005, 9:58 AM 

Here is another solution for you.
Charge more money for each cleaning.

I understand that with this process the time it takes to clean is reduced
thus increasing the per hour profit, but if we are going to be Carpet Heros as Rick says,and we increase the time inbetween cleaning. No one else has been able to do that, I say we need to raise the price of our cleanings and put more value on our service since we have already shown the client we can save them more then the extra we ask for

My 50 cents on the subject.

Mark Hart


July 23 2005, 10:48 PM 

I'm with Dave.


James Stephens


July 24 2005, 1:06 AM 

I agree as well.

Current Topic - Rick, your hurting my bottom line......
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS