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Testing Done/ Thanks Rick

July 21 2005 at 8:35 AM
David Hebert  

We just finished doing 30 test stores for a chain.

These stores have to be done during store hours.
We used our rotary with Beige pads and Encap DS
Every manger was very happy with the results of the cleaning and
how quick the store was dry. Everyone said they have never seen the store look so good.

I Averaged 1300 sq ft an hour with gum removal and prevacing. more stores coming soon.

We also have an apointment with a local school system for a demo, we with either be cleaning the school or training their staff on my system.


Re: Testing Done/ Thanks Rick

July 21 2005, 6:03 PM 

Way to go David!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Testing Done/ Thanks Rick

July 22 2005, 11:59 PM 

Go gettem David! Glad to hear Releasit's performing well for you.
I hope you'll continue to grow good stuff in your business.
Commercial successes are sweet aren't they? Have fun!

Rick Gelinas


School demo's!!

July 25 2005, 12:54 PM 

Hello David,

I have sold several machines to school districts and also do some contract cleaning for them, they are very good clients.
Where might you be located?
If you have any questions reguarding schools and their concerns let me know!!


David Hebert

Re: School demo's!!

July 25 2005, 3:41 PM 

I am in Western MA

Thanks for the offer also I am sure I'll be calling on you.



Schools love Cimex encap systems..

July 26 2005, 4:22 AM 

David phone me anytime I have lots of info for you.
Send me your e-mail and I shall give you my no.# !!
My best clients.

David Hebert

Re: Schools love Cimex encap systems..

July 26 2005, 6:34 AM 

my email is

Current Topic - Testing Done/ Thanks Rick
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS