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Sprint Users

July 21 2005 at 6:38 PM

I need some feedback from sprint users. Iv'e picked up a few more high end homes, and my Mex is too big for some homes, but I still like to pre-scrub before I HWE. I just got back from fedEx and gave those SILLY Oreck Orbiters back to them (not enough weight). Question is do you sprint guys use them as prescrubers with any good results, or should I just get a small rotory?? Thanks for any advise.

This message has been edited by GoEncap on Jul 21, 2005 6:39 PM


Sprint Users

July 22 2005, 7:37 AM 

Are you HWE guys sure you need to prescrub before you extract. I have nerver had to do this. If the carpet I'm going to clean is really trashed I use stronger prespray and rake it in. Then I give it a little more dwell time. Then HWE, I have had good luck doing this. Time is money so to prescrub before extraction would take more time. Does anyone do this? How much more time does it take?


David Hebert

Re: Sprint Users

July 22 2005, 9:01 AM 

We take the time to prescrub when needed
it does not take a lot of time and the time invested is well
worth it.

I do not own a Sprint but used one for a week before I gave it to a client.
The Sprint will work just fine, so wouldnt a small rotary. If it was me I would buy the
Sprint because I feel it looks more professional in a high end setting, easy to move around in tight areas, you can also scrub T&G with it. The Sprint will dig deeper then the rotary also.

Hey Rick can you import a larger version of that BAD BABY. I'd love a 16 inch model of it
for my stores.

Mark Hart

Re: Sprint Users

July 23 2005, 10:45 PM 

Hey Ralph,
You just told us you prescrub also. You said you RAKE. I just prefer to same my energy and use a Cimex to work for me. Have done it that way for many moons first with a rotary then with the Cimex. In fact if you look a the coupon guys coupon from around here, the fine print says something like "dual process 18-30 cents psf". That what I do normally and I don't have to upsell. By the time you add extra prespray, add extra dwell time and then rake, you can just prespray and prescrub. Time difference is minimal and you don't have to work so hard with the scrub wand etc.

Current Topic - Sprint Users
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