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Customer hits me with the F word

July 25 2005 at 5:51 PM

George Barnett  

Says there is fecal matter in the carpet.

Releasit alone handle this problem?

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Representative


Re: Customer hits me with the F word

July 25 2005, 6:03 PM 

George, I've been playin around with Encap Spot for a few days, and have to say it great stuff. Got a call from the wifey, our dog got into the trash earlier that day and proceeded to "Hershey Squirt" all over my sons room. Any whay I broke out the Encap Spot and Presto, the spot is gone. Rick will sell you a single quart, I believe fo $6.00 so you can try it out.

Btw I plan on buying 2 cases tommorrow.. Hope that helps??


Rick Gelinas

Re: Customer hits me with the F word

July 25 2005, 7:48 PM 

Garret is correct that Encap-Spot can eliminate fecal matter.

HWE flushing is the industry standard recommended method for dealing with any bio-contaminant. However if the spot has not penetrated the backing, Encap-Spot can handle what's in the fiber.

Rick Gelinas


George Barnett

Re: Customer hits me with the F word

July 25 2005, 8:00 PM 

Job is tomorrow morning. Guess I'll mix up some extra-strength DS in sprayer and hit it before cleaning.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Representative


Rick Gelinas

Re: Customer hits me with the F word

July 26 2005, 7:57 AM 

If that's your plan - stop by a Health Food Store first and get a small bottle of Tea Tree Oil. Add 40 drops per gallon of detergent. Clean the affected area with this solution by hand with a towel first. Blot up as much as you can with the towel. Then proceed to clean like normal using the Tea Tree infused solution in the tank. Tea Tree will kill the bacteria and the STANK (that's southern for stink).

Take care George.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Customer hits me with the F word

July 26 2005, 8:28 AM 

I have done vomit with encap. Scraped up chunks, soaked with it, padded, repeated several times, flipping or changing pads everytime. worked good.



George Barnett

Re: Customer hits me with the F word

July 26 2005, 12:41 PM 

Went loaded for bear when a flyswatter would have done. It was a very simple clean-up, DS, old pad, and towel made it fast and easy.

Will work some Encap Spot into my budget in case a bear sneaks up on me. All advise greatly appreciated.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Representative

This message has been edited by GeorgeBarnett on Jul 26, 2005 12:42 PM

Current Topic - Customer hits me with the F word
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