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What's Next?

July 26 2005 at 11:52 AM

O.K. , I have targeted over 50 commercial clients that I would like to do business with. I have gotten past the gatekeeper of those possible clients. I sent out my little information package of goodies about my company. Cover letter, modeled after yours, business card fridge magnet, and 3 single pages of info on encapping, tea tree oil, and the value of keeping up the cleaning.

What's next?


David Hebert

Re: What's Next?

July 26 2005, 1:14 PM 

A return call asking if they recieved the letters is a great way to open up then ask them for abouot 15 minutes of their time to show them your system.

WE will do up to 150 sq ft demo to show what we can do.


Re: What's Next?

July 26 2005, 10:14 PM 


and if you haven't yet, do yourself a HUGE favor (and this is for you lurkers to...)

use the Search feature above. this topic has been discussed a BUNCH of times with at least half a dozen other ideas on what to say on the return visit, or return phone call.

don't know how to use the Search feature????

click it, type in things like : MARKETING - GATE KEEPER - etc... be creative!

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - What's Next?
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