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Some thoughts on retirement

July 26 2005 at 7:00 PM
Gary R. Heacock  

Mainly for newcomers to the business, you older pros in the business should have SOMETHING like it in place by now.

This is a response to an e-mail wanting some advice on retirement-

My thoughts on retirement.

Hi Darwin-
Thanks for dropping by.

Well, first, ya gotta earn enough to live on. Pay the bills, give SOME to charity- church, whatever, and ya gotta pay YOURSELF, which means into a savings account of some kind.

THEN ya gotta put SOME into an investment of some kind, such as the stock market, real estate, or something that will (hopefully) gain in value.

For instance- save enough to put down a down payment on a house that will be for rent, or for re-sale.

Or buy stock in companies that (hopefully) stays in business- AND pays a dividend.

McDonalds. Sears. Microsoft. Nike. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) See what I mean?

This kind is what I have in my IRA Retirement portfolio, and basically I am now living off the dividends that come in each month, not living on Social Security.

This income nearly equals what I was earning when I was working in my business, so that I do not have to SELL anything in order to have income. So my lifestyle does not have to take a hit, and dine on cold dog food.

THEN when you have some of this kind, buy stock in a more speculative business that might go to the moon, and MIGHT increase tenfold, or 100 fold. These might also go out of business, and your money vanish. Sort of gambling.

In my speculative portfolio, With some 30 or 40 stocks, only a couple have gone to the moon, the rest to zero, or close to that. But, like the tables at Las Vegas, the winners way overcome the losers, when you hit a jackpot.

One of my winners has gone from 40 cents to $7.50. One of my winners has gone from $5.00 to $150. One of my losers has gone from $4.00 to $0. One of my losers has gone from $25.00 to $1.20. See what I mean?

I wrote a manual back in 1987, which fully describes what and how to do it, I call this manual "Wealth- What It Is And How To Get It".

Cost is $25.00 if this interests you.

The Interstellar Crossroads of The Universe-

Current Topic - Some thoughts on retirement
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