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Tea Tree Oil

July 28 2005 at 10:04 PM

i've seen it at Health Food store in small bottles.... hey guys, this stuff ain't cheap. has anyone found a place where they feel it's cheaper?

i've used it on a number of urine odors, so far so good.

(btw, i buy a small bottle of rubbing alcohol and add the oil to it, then just spray it on).


Rick Gelinas

Re: Tea Tree Oil

July 29 2005, 8:12 AM 


Some of the fellas have said they've found it at Wal-Mart for less. I haven't compared Wal-Marts Tea Tree, it may be worth considering.

There are varying grades of Tea Tree oil. And the good stuff is not cheap. It comes from Australia and is distilled from the leaves of trees. The process of manufacturing good essential oils brings up the cost. So good oil will likely cost a bit more. Good oil should work efficiently which may offset higher cost.

If you're using it to correct an odor problem, it would be appropriate to factor this into your costs and charge accordingly. In the end Tea Tree may not be as expensive as you think. If you'll compare the cost of using a small dose of Tea Tree to using some less effective urine/odor chemistry from a chemical supply house - the Tea Tree may possibly work out to be a better deal. I know it's become our favorite method for treating odors in our carpet cleaning business - cuz it works so doggone well! Cost is relative.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Tea Tree Oil
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